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storing hay outside


Young Bun
is it ok to store hay outside in plastic boxes, both unopened and opened bags of it? and also is a concrete floor ok for delicate bunny feet or should I put some vinyl down. my buns will have an open hutch inside an old outside loo shed!! plus a run :wave::wave:
hay is ok to be kept in plastic bags but either put air holes in the bag or leave the bag open so the hay can "breathe". Hay can become sweaty if kept in sealed plastic bags.

concrete floors are fine for most rabbits, but if you have rexes, I wouldn't recommend it because it can cause sore hocks.
hay is ok to be kept in plastic bags but either put air holes in the bag or leave the bag open so the hay can "breathe". Hay can become sweaty if kept in sealed plastic bags.

concrete floors are fine for most rabbits, but if you have rexes, I wouldn't recommend it because it can cause sore hocks.

This, exactly. A lot of people also put a shelf up inside their bunny shed to put supplies on, which would mean you could leave it in open bags or boxes and not have to worry about rain.

Sore hocks are caused by the delicate fur on the feet being worn away by rough surfaces, like concrete or carpet. As LL said, it's common in rexes as they have no guard hairs like other buns, but it can happen in other breeds. Personally I'd put lino down to be safe, much easier to clean too. :wave:
As has already been mentioned lino can be used so that the bunnies aren't on the concrete. I managed to get some lino at a carpet shop very cheap because it was the last in the roll. I think the whole lot was about £4 and it did my 8x6' shed.:D