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Starfish is holding her own! Looking back.

She must have just been sleepy, the fresh grass has been devoured just now.

Not trying to cause panic or arguments here but reporting how she is from day to day. Above all else, she has an aggressive tumour or cluster of tumours, she had most of the flesh between her right shoulder blade and left hand side of her chest removed during the last op to try and leave clear margins but it has come back. The next time I am at the vet I will ask them to aspirated it to double check it is not an abcess.

She is in pain with it and uncomfortable. The vet will not operate every two months to remove it because it is not fair on Starfish.

I think it is best I stop with the regular and detailed updates given the stress they have caused. Will let you all know from time to time how she is.:wave:
Been thinking of you and Starfish today, sending lots more vibes, and big *hugs* to you. I'm sorry yesterday was not a good day :(. xx
Big hugs for today Ali, hoping Starfish is doing okay.

Please keep us posted with her condition, its so obvious how much you love her :love:
Big hugs for today Ali, hoping Starfish is doing okay.

Please keep us posted with her condition, its so obvious how much you love her :love:

Thanks Gray, Yesterday was a quiet day. She sat in her box and had a wee munch at grass, kale and pepper but was also picking put her favourite strands of hay.

I had to move the hutches and runs onto the grass because my FIL is coming today to cement down the slabs they normally sit on. When she got in she was hopping around with the other two exploring and sniffing and was really animated. She even started nibbling at the grass.

Down to 0.3ml Metacam once daily at the moment and she is coping well at that. I am planning to take her to the vet for a check this week.
Thanks Gray, Yesterday was a quiet day. She sat in her box and had a wee munch at grass, kale and pepper but was also picking put her favourite strands of hay.

I had to move the hutches and runs onto the grass because my FIL is coming today to cement down the slabs they normally sit on. When she got in she was hopping around with the other two exploring and sniffing and was really animated. She even started nibbling at the grass.

Down to 0.3ml Metacam once daily at the moment and she is coping well at that. I am planning to take her to the vet for a check this week.

That actually sounds positive, if she can take less pain relief and is actually still active.

I think of her all the time, she's such a fluffy little fighter :love:

Big hugs for you too, it must be so difficult.
That actually sounds positive, if she can take less pain relief and is actually still active.

I think of her all the time, she's such a fluffy little fighter :love:

Big hugs for you too, it must be so difficult.

That's lovely! I have some more nice pics of her to post soon. She will be with me for as long as she is comfortable and not in pain.:love:
I've been kind of lurking this board, but I wanted to add my support and healthy vibes for little miss Starfish. She is so obviously loved dearly and such a very special bun. Bless her, and you for taking such good care of her.
I've been in your shoes in a sense, but it was with an older cat I'd raised from an unweaned baby. I've also been through 'the Big C' myself. It is a long fight, but it's worth every step we take in it.

Hugs to you. :)
Just a little note from me to say I'm thinking of both you and Starfish, what a marvellous job you are both doing. It's good to hear she had a nice day yesterday. Lots of vibes.x.x.
What a lot of lovely messages, thank you all. A couple of days ago I put their grass in the run and she came over to get some while I was still there - she is running a mile when I appear at te moment - so I managed to get some photos of her stuffing her cute wee face!!

Today she came over for a feast of savoy cabbage, coriander and a little kale. She adores all green food which is what makes it my way of telling how she is feeling.

Her diligent husbun


Nom, nom, nom!



Looking cute


And the other two in case they feel left out!


And those pictures alone show what love you have for her and the fact that she still has fight left in her.

She's so beautiful Ali, such a tufty bun!
Thanks guys! She is so hairy but what I can't believe is how tufty her ears are!!! She is such a cute wee thing.:love::love:
They all look so, so happy and healthy.

Thank you for sharing such precious photos with us all.

No doubt everyday is a blessing where Starfish is concerned.

Noserubs to them all but, especially.............................STARFISH!!!:love::love:
Awww she is the cutest bunny. Your other 2 are gorgeous too.:love::love::love:

If she is running like mad to get away that sounds like a good sign too, not for you but that she is active and alert.