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Thank you very much everyone who has sponsored a Briar Patch bunny. So far we have raised 372 Pounds. I hope everyone enjoys their sponsor packs. :D

If you would like to sponsor a bunny, please contact me or raine. You can choose a bunny on the Briar Patch website.
Delighted that Archie has gone to a new home. If our kind sponsors of Archie would like to choose another bunny from the website and pm their choice, I will send them a new pack to continue their sponsorship. Thank you for helping to support Archie until he was given his permanent home
raine said:
Delighted that Archie has gone to a new home. If our kind sponsors of Archie would like to choose another bunny from the website and pm their choice, I will send them a new pack to continue their sponsorship. Thank you for helping to support Archie until he was given his permanent home

I think the Hay Experts will sponsor Melissa. They are hoping to get a photo of Archie and his new girlfriend to write a happy ending story on their website. :D
I would like to thank Gaynor, who has sponsored three Briar Patch bunnies for Easter gifts. Your support is greatly appreciated.
A big thank you to MelC and the Hay Experts for sponsoring Melissa.


And thanks a lot to Anne B. for sponsoring Tintin.


Your help is much appreciated.