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Spenser being very handsome

Ahem....Young Spenser.Gorgous Sparkly white young bun.Believe me, you are loved. You only have to share your mummy for a few days,but your mummy has to share you with us 365 days a year!! Think how she feels!!!!!!
Oooo...Spenser! Your mane looks very regal, as befitting to such a distinguished bunneh.


Is he growing his hair long? ;):lol:

If he was a girl I would be awfully tempted to put bows in it. (Just joking!) Actually he lost almost all of his mane during his moult, but it seems to have grown in again and then some. :shock::love:
Daisy: *sighs* if I had hair like that I'd definitely have a beautifull sparkly bow in it :love:

Dudley: Spenser you is lucky you dont live here, The Mummy trys to drag our fur off us the minute she sees bits sticking out!!! For all I know I too should have a beautiful mane!!
Daisy: *sighs* if I had hair like that I'd definitely have a beautifull sparkly bow in it :love:

Dudley: Spenser you is lucky you dont live here, The Mummy trys to drag our fur off us the minute she sees bits sticking out!!! For all I know I too should have a beautiful mane!!

Spenser: If Mummy puts her fingers anywhere near my mane I'll bite and bite hard. I'm not very pleased with Mummy this week, as she keeps going out and coming back smelling of another rabbit. :evil: