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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Something Is Not Right

Oh what a brilliant owner you are, had me in tears reading about having him in your bed with you :love:

I really hope he continues to improve now :) xxxxxxxx
Oh what a brilliant owner you are, had me in tears reading about having him in your bed with you :love:

I really hope he continues to improve now :) xxxxxxxx

I was almost crying too!

Sounds like he's doing better though :)! Lots of get well vibes :)

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Thank you all so much for your support and well-wishes. It really means a lot.

We're still on hourly feeds, and Littleblack is getting stronger now, and he's got a spark back in his eyes! :D

I cuddled down with him earlier this evening, in bed, after a feed, in the same position I had soaked his floppy weak body, with my tears the other day. He settled down comfortably, we watched some mindless tv together, and I quickly started to drift off. It's not only physically tough to do hourly feeds, by emotionally draining on a mammoth scale. During the nights particularly, you hit walls of exhaustion and desperation, and the tears flow frequently.

He isn't quite strong enough to stand guard over me yet, as he usually does. I often have him standing above my face searching the horizon, and warning off predators, and then when the coast is clear, he nudges me to reassure me all is well. This afternoon, when I had drifted off, I woke up to him gently licking my face all over, and delicately grooming my hair, with his ears upright, and occasionally standing on my face to listen out for danger. There is no doubt in my mind, that he would still attempt a defensive attack, if he thought it was necessary. He's such a brave little Guard Bunny. Lol.

He is still sleeping a lot, but it's hardly surprising being that he is being syringe fed. I decided to give him, and me, a break for a few hours, and am about to feed him again. He hasn't eaten much on his own, but then I doubt he's hungry. I will increase the feed gaps slowly until he's eating properly. He isn't pooping as much as I'd hoped by now - but he is pooping and peeing some, so that's ok... his guts are moving, and we still have another 7 days of antibiotics to go, afterall.

One thing I have found, is that at the end of the feed, he has started biting and playing with the kitchen roll I wipe his face and mouth with. When he was with the other family, they used to abuse him, and kick him, and smack him with newspapers, and rolls of kitchen roll. He was terrified of them when he first arrived, but I did a lot of work with him, and now he is fine, and uses bunches of kitchen roll as a toy to throw around, and rip - so I guess its hardly surprising that he wants to play again when I am trying to wipe his face off. Lol.

The weird thing is that when I lower him down next to me, he scrambles back into my lap, and sits upright, but then slides down a little, with his bum scooched under him, and his feet out - rather like a soft toy bunny might sit. If I right him, he only goes back into that position, and like that, he will eat, from my hand, a treat - like a chunk of apple, or Romaine, or a little Cabbage sitting in my lap, upright like that. Then he will groom his face a little. and then wriggle over and get down, and cuddle down along my leg to rest. Its not something he's done before, and while it's cute, it makes me wonder why he's doing it. It can't just be a comfort bringing position as I've never held him like that, and its not a natural position for bunnies.

I've checked him over for sensitive parts and discomfort, but seems unchanged in that respect. He even sat himself like that on my bed, on his own, by standing to groom, and then leaning back gently against my pillow on my bed, and sliding down to sit on the curve of his hind quarters, then sticking his feed up, and continued to groom his face. Anyone any ideas about this obscure seating position? He soon gets down after eating or grooming, and he doesn't readopt the position until after the next feed.

As long as he's ok, and getting stronger, I don't care how he sits....as long as it's not sign of something else weird going on.

Thanks for your continued support and well wishes. :)
I have no idea why Littleblack is sitting as he does, but just wanted to say how heart warming your posts are. Your bond with your bun is awesome.

Could we have a photo of Littleblack please if it won't scare him?

Topping up the vibes for this special little bunster:love:
Littleblack and I asleep on Sunday 9th February 2014. My brother took the photo....seconds later, Littleblack woke up and went for him, to defend 'his property'. LOL


This photo was taken when I was in bed - in Feb 2014. This is the 'watching me from my pillow edge/checking out the scene for bad guys' view I have of him most days, when we have quality time. Lol. You can see the TV we watch together, behind him....and that if he turns around to watch it, if he's not snuggled down with me, I can't see much of it around him.


This photo I took in January 2014, after I had a nightmare, and woke up to find him checking me over to see if I was ok. His cage has a multi level access point, so he can get in and out of the upper cage when he wants, and while in the day he had free run of the house, at night, I do put him in his cage. He has 2 cages to choose from. A cage on the floor, and a cage above my bed which he prefers at night, so he can look over me. They are both left open because he panics if he hears me having a night terror or nightmare, and he can't get to me. If I'm calm and sleeping, he will only leave his cage at night a few times to check on me, then goes back to bed.


He really is my perfect male. LOL
Thank you so much for the photos. I've just got in from work after doing a 12.5 hour shift and seeing Littleblack really cheered me up :love:

Adding more vibes for his continued recovery xxxx
I cant believe i didnt see this thread earlier....Its a wonderful thread . you should be justifiably proud of your dedication to littleblack bun. You both sound as if you're a match made in heaven..

Good luck with the ongoing demands bit it certainly sounds like your persistence has paid off.

Hugs for you and noserubs for littleblack xxxxxx