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Snake food?

I couldnt feed my snakes anything live. Makes my stomach churn just thinking about it. I do not agree with anybody that does because frozen food is widely available. Also these irresponsible pet ownwers surely do not care for the snake either because often when the rodent is in fear they will bite!!! The snake will then be open to so many infections or abcess.
I have kept snakes, reptiles along with rodents and rabbits all of my life but I would never feed LIVE food or even my poor dead hammies to my reptiles. As i said on my previous post I have given my burmese dead pheasants which have been killed on the road but that was only because I knew for a fact that the pheasant was still fresh and I knew what it had been killed from. if i hadnt had picked it up it would probably been left to rot on the roadside or eaten my magpies.
ok im getting off my soap box now :D

snakes are capable to eating a rabbit snakes are even known to have eaten a whole wathog snakes have a amazing flexable jaw
but remember that it is illegal to feed live food to animals if they have are an vertibrate with a back bone but then we live in a cruel world so you cant stop ppl feeding there snakes live rabbits etc but this is very un heard of
snake food

OMG youv,e just scared the hell out of me..I am terrified of snakes & the thought of being eaten by one UUURRRRRGGGHHHH