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Sir Victor Velveteen ~ 11th June 2012

For Sir Victor

The silence is too loud
Morning, noon and night
Empty places, vacant spaces
No sound, no sight

Heart-held memories
Of the days, the months, the years
Treasured forever
The silence is too loud



I'm so sorry you are hurting :cry: It takes time for the heart to heal when you loose a friend. Life can be cruel and words seem inadequate :cry:

Victor was a larger than life character who has left a larger than life hole :cry:

My heart breaks for you :cry:

Please be kind to your self

sending love and hugs Xxx
I am missing Victor more with each passing day. He has left a void that can never be filled. Losing him was such a tremendous shock and I still cant really believe it has happened. Or maybe I dont want to believe it :cry:
I was thinking of him today while gathering dandelions for Mimzy.
I wish he was still here too, Jane. (((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))
Thank you

I realise that no Rabbit can live forever and that the pain of losing them is the inevitable price we pay for loving them.

But Victor was not old, until is fatal illness he was never a 'sickly' Rabbit. He had the most exuberant character and was a complete joy to know.

All losses hurt ALOT, but occasionally there will be a loss that causes more hurt than words could ever adequately describe.

I miss Victor so very much :cry:
This too will pass, Jane.
Please try to think of all the fun Sir Victor had in his life. Every day that he spent with you was a gift for you and for him.