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Sir Victor Velveteen ~ 11th June 2012

I love that photo with the beautiful blue border. Such a cute pose. He has, without doubt, a presence that just reaches into your heart and makes room for himself there.
Even though that room may feel terribly empty now, one such as Sir Victor never leaves any place he has been without creating strong ties, memories and love that transcends the limits of our pitifully weak senses.
As your location states, Jane...Jack is always with you. So it would be unthinkable that Sir Victor is not right there beside him...probably talking him into some 'mischief managed'.

I know his physical presence is gone, but who Sir Victor was and is will never leave you.
Remember the poem I wrote for you and Morse. It can apply to Sir Victor as well.
I pray you and Lady Lydia are finding less shadow and hopefully more sunlight in your lives today.
Bless. xxx
ETA: I just previewed my post and Lady Lydia's picture appeared. :cry:
Poor darling. Please give her some gentle cuddles from me and my bunnies. I think it's almost harder watching the remaining rabbit grieve than it is to deal with our own loss. :(
I hope the two of you can find some comfort in each other's presence and that she will brighten a bit soon.
Big hugs to you both.
Jane, I am so sorry for your loss. Sir Victor was a gorgeous bun and such a character. Poor Lady Lydia. She looks so sad. Sending vibes for her and you.
I just cannot accept that he has gone

He was only 5.5 years old :cry:

He was always such a larger than life character, how can that life be taken so quickly

I just want the pain to stop

Jane ((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))
I wish I could take your pain away.
Can't stop thinking of you and Lady Lydia. I wish I could help relieve your sorrow. :(


So, so beautiful Jane.

Thank you.

I think all of us who have lost precious ones will appreciate such a beautiful poem.

Sending you and all the furry friends a gentle night, night hug. xxxx:love:
I am in tears reading this and looking at all of the beautiful pictures you have of him. I couldn't face it until now :cry:
I hadn't realised he was so young, I remember seeing him when I first joined RU.
Gentle noserubs to Lady Lydia xx
Thank you for all your posts on Sir Victor's thread

I still cannot take it all in. This week has been one of the worst in my 15 years of having Rabbits :cry: