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should I seperate them?


New Kit
hi my rabbits are about a year and a half, they have been bonded for over a year. Up until now they have lived perfectly happily together; in fact bonding was a breeze. However a few weeks ago a noticed the fur on Cloud's ears was looking a bit thin. I took him to the vets and they said it could be a case of Tifa over grooming him but not to worry as they weren't red and sore. They went back to the vets this week for vaccinations and check up, that morning I noticed that fur was missing on Cloud's head near his eye. Again the vet said keep an eye on it. Its worth mentioning that they hjave a massive enclosure so Cloud could quite easily escape Tifa if he wanted to but he follows her around and sits as close to her as possible. Today I went at to clean them out and noticed Cloud now has a massive chunk of fur missing and she has drawn blood near his eye. What do I do? I don't understand how after all this time this is happening, she seems to have turned on him. It seems that my only option is to separate them but that would mean one of them coming inside and living in a little cage which would be horrible, I can't bare the thought of them living by themselves forever. Please if someone could help I would be very grateful
she neutered?

if so there is alot of spring fever going on at mo, my carrie groomed her husbuns eyelashes off,

has there been any changes, moved hutch, anything new that could smell differant, even your own smells can cause a trigger

how much running timedo they have each day

do they have toys , wood chews willow branches and apple trees most bunspend their time chewing alot
Hi she is spayed and he has been neutered.

They have a 5ft two tier hutch attached to a two tiered 6ft by 5ft run which they have constant access to. They run around in the garden, depending on the weather most nights times for an hour, however if it is windy or rainy they won't come out of their hutch. They used to have loads of toys but just ignored them at the mo theyhave a ball, a rattle, a toilet tube, a plastic and a tunnel etc.

no changes at all. Last night i took the decision to seperate so they have spent the night and day apart. Cloud has been in the living room and tifa has been in the hutch. They are playing together at the moment in the living room because i couldn't to look at their sad faces any longer anyways they are getting along fine infact Cloud's ripped a strip of wallpaper off and now they are flopped out side by side.

They arn't fighting at all if anything I think it's too much love and Cloud just follows Tifa like her shadow. Do I put them back and risk her doing more damage or keep them separated and ruin the bond???/
if the bond itself is fine, id really try not to seperate as you can get buns that get "depressed", Too much change and seperating can cause more probs too,

It does sound bit like spring fever, my girls are asserting there dominace but rough mounting at mo, which can involve gripping buns neck , back etc, and mount head side or back. so while he maybe a lapdog most of the time constant mounting may cause him to move and she grips him hard hense the fur pulling

obviously watch carefully for signs of stress, cowering small poos etc, Open wounds you obviously have to keep an eye on as you can get infections,
but if you feel they are lovey still andf showing no agression, i would just keep a close eye for another few weeks, for any worse signs, if it stays the same or gets less then leave them, just put in more hay,

do you use litter trays at all ? some people have 2 litter trays for their pairs just cheap cat trays to start with see if that works
As you cant see what they are doing all the time, this i can only assume,
Hiya!! I bonded my nethies a few weeks ago and recently have found Lily losing fur rather rapidly...BB has been pulling it out.
As Areia says, just keep an eye to it.It will soon pass.Spring fever and perhaps a bit of boredom??
I added more toys for my 2......the grooming has stopped after 3 or 4 days.:wave::wave:
they have in the past had a litter tray but i could never get them to use it and it takes up too much room in the hutch. They have a cage bottom up stairs which is just full of hay.

Just watching them in the living room with all their toys really makes me wish they could live in doors but i don't have a room that could be bunny proofed as the only spare room contains all the computer and gaming equipment. My other half won't let me create an indoor enclosure in there even though there is room if we could throw out the draws that are full of rubbish