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serious bad bunny behaviour

I'm horrified that a rescue centre was keeping unneutered rabbits together in this way! Apart from the obvious issue of litters, I think it's pretty unkind to get rabbits used to being social and then separating them off and letting them be adopted as single buns.

Are you in the UK and if so, whereabouts? If so, I would report them to the RSPCA and see if there is anything they can do.

I don't know an awful lot about babies - only that mum builds a nest using her fur pretty much the day before she has them, and they tend to have them overnight and mum only feeds the kits for a few minutes each day so don't fret if it seems that she is ignoring them - that's perfectly normal. If you see mum struggling to give birth, or it's happening really slowly, or there is a lot of blood, I would ring your vet for advice. Maybe someone here is near enough to be able to help you with rehoming if necessary once she has had her litter (or maybe if there's a small litter, they may all be able to be neutered and kept together). Good luck, I do hope everything works out well for you xxx
yes im in the uk thanks for your post it means allot also iv just have my cat missy which i got from the same rescue give birth to 8 baby kittens there very adorable i would post sum pics but im not sure how to do this for the pregnnt bunny she is still as moody as ever but no nest or bunnys yet i phoned the rspca because i went to the rescue and the rest of the bunnys there were sleeping in there own poo and there water was empty and no food bowls so i told the women there i was taking them all so i took all ten bunnys which she had there they seem allot ahppier now and there eating lots not suprised she said she only fed them once a week i gave her a right gob full them put them all in my car poor bunnys i thought rescue centers where suppose to help animals these bunnys looked more like hostages poor things . im not sure which post i should post a thing about pregant bunnys on ???? all the bunnys i took are being took in to get spayed on thursday and friday and getting all the injections tommorow if i try and find a few new homes for them i want to know there will be no more mistakes and there are well looked after
I'm a newby so i can't help sorry :( gosh well done you about time someone took a stand against this lady ;) Sounds like you've got your hands full ;) Good luck and hope all goes well ;)
all the bunnys i took are being took in to get spayed on thursday and friday and getting all the injections tommorow
To be honest I don't think there's any point in getting their vaccinations done tomorrow if they are being spayed this week, you may as well burn the money because it takes the buns a fortnight to develop immunity to myxo - their body will be too busy recovering from the operation to develop immunity. By the sound of it, they need to be spayed ASAP due to the risk of pregnancy etc, so maybe have them spayed this week as planned and then get their vaccines done once they have had their final wound check and the vet is happy that everything is healing ok.

I would also suggest following up your phone call to the RSPCA in writing and ask to be informed when the investigation is complete - if you ring the RSPCA helpline they should give you the address of the local inspector, and you can copy the Head Office in as well.

All the best - you sound as if you're going to be very busy with this little lot, I bet all the animals you have rescued from a rescue are very grateful!
Im horrified by the rescue and there approach to resue!! What kind of rescue are they? Mind you looking at there website it states un nuetered and no jabs :(

I think reporting the rescue may be a good idea.

Im sorry to hear all this. Im not experienced in the slightest with rabbits having babies but i hope someone local to you can offer help and support.
