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Screaming during intros


Warren Scout
I've just done a first meeting of my existing girl and new boy. So far nothing has happened apart from lots and lots of humping (him) and a little fur pulling (both). Shortly after a bit of humping the boy, Wynston, made the most horrific high pitched screaming noise. I've never heard anything like it. Does anyone know what this means and if I should be concerned?
Ok having observed a bit more I think I know what happened. Just before he screamed Wyn fell over. Sorry to be graphic but I think he was erm inside when he fell over sideways obviously pulling delicate things at a funny angle. Since he's recently neutered they're probably even more sensitive. He seems fine now and kept going back for more so I guess it's not hurting anymore.

It really was the most awful noise though *shudder*
He was making babies :oops:

He will go all funny and twitchy too after.

Thank goodness she has been spayed!