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saying goodbye

awwww noo so sorry to hear that why is it back again? dosent it just come 1nce ? x:(

this is the fourth time its come back hes had it operated one three times, including one big operation which was 9 weeks ago. bunny abcesses are very hard to treat and especially in a foot.

I am so, so sorry to hear this SJ :cry: You & PB are very much in my thoughts. A very special bunny who has been given a wonderful life by you - he couldn't have asked for more (((hugs))) xxx
I'm so sorry to hear this.:cry:

You truly did all you could for him. He has been a very lucky bun to have you to care for and love him as you do.

Take care of yourself. (((hug)))
I am so sorry to hear this.:cry::cry::cry:Mr PB had a wonderful life full of love with you.
I will be thiinking of you both.

Hugs for you and nose rubs for Mr peanut Butter xxxxx
So sorry that you have had to make this decision.

Letting them go is the hardest, yet kindest, thing to do :(

Thinking of you.
whats jelly going to do :(:(:(:( she loves him so much. poor poor jelly.

Poor Jelly, I always feel so bad for them because they don't understand where their partner has gone.

Give her tons of attention and cuddles and you can greive PB together.
Poor Jelly, I always feel so bad for them because they don't understand where their partner has gone.

Give her tons of attention and cuddles and you can greive PB together.

hes coming back home and she will see him for a few hours so she will realise he is gone, and then he is going to be cremated.

she is going to move into my bedroom tomorrow temporarily so she can have some cuddles.
I honestly think the worst part about when I made the decision for Clover was coming home to Dusty. It does mean it keeps you occupied looking after the grieving bunny though, which might in some way be a comfort. x
I honestly think the worst part about when I made the decision for Clover was coming home to Dusty. It does mean it keeps you occupied looking after the grieving bunny though, which might in some way be a comfort. x

i just gave domino a big kiss and i said to mum, he will always be here with us. domino is so like him, he is a little peice of peanut that will live on, which is also comfort to me.
I am so sorry Sarah-Jane :( I know ive not commented much on any of the PB threads when hes been unwell, but ive been thinking of him. Just want to let you know we are thinking of you, Jelly and little PB :cry:

Absolutely heartbreaking (((Hugs))) xXx