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Sage House is it big enough


Warren Scout
Is this hutch big enough for a small rabbit, she is only tiny and a year old so wont grow any bigger. When sat she is about 8 inches.
Possibly on her own as long as she has a permanent run attached. If she's going to share a hutch Thistle Hall would be more appropriate.
already have thistle hall I have a satin rabbit in that, but Jessica is half the size of him. She is only a dwarf and very tiny. She will be on her own as I have just removed her from her mate as he was tearing her to pieces. She will have constant exercise in the garden.
Sage house is wayy too small!

Thistle hall is (IMO) the smallest.

But, if you really wanna spoil her, get her a 6ft-er.

Jack x
already have thistle hall I have a satin rabbit in that, but Jessica is half the size of him. She is only a dwarf and very tiny. She will be on her own as I have just removed her from her mate as he was tearing her to pieces. She will have constant exercise in the garden.

Is he neutered? Rabbits of different sizes can get on :)
In my experience, small bunnies need every bit as much space as a bigger bunny, they tend to be much more active and love to run. They may not need as much headroom but definitely need just as much overall space.

Are your bunnies neutered? You may be able to ask a rescue to try rebonding them for you in return for a donation, so that they can live together. There is a bit of a 'technique' to it and it sounds as if it hasn't been working for you at home, so it might be worth trying a rescue before giving up and separating them for good. Bunnies are social animals and if bonded confidently will usually far prefer living with another bun.
My partner has now told be he is going to build a triple hutch, and replace two of the hutches so that they will have a 10ft hutch. With three levels I can put my rabbits in on each level as there are 3 rabbits. My other rabbit has the next house up from the sage. Which is quite big. Thistle hall.