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Run Shelter

Personaly, I like wood better just cuz I think it looks nicer. It will be harder to clean though. Just make sure whichever one you get has a removable lid, so you can clean it out (and remove any reluctant buns!) :D
Plastic can get hot inside, so make sure they have other shade from the sun too. :)

I prefer wood cos it looks nicer, but some people think plastic looks nicer, so it's up to you.

I got this little house, it's plenty big enough for a bun to stretch out and avoid the sun and they can hop on top or go underneath if they're small enough (my 5 lb bun can just fit, but dunno why she does!)


I got the smallest size. The roof opens up and you can close the door/ramp to transport a wriggly rabbit. They do like to eat it, but haven't destroyed it, they gave up after a while!