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Roxy - (so sorry Nat)


Wise Old Thumper
Roxy was a big French lop with a big personality to match. The day Nat (SparkleX) and her mum brought her over it was just so clear she was so full of character, within 5mins of her being out of the carrier she bonded with Oliver (who had just previously lost his partner) She was really good for Oliver as he had got mites and was really sad after losing his partner but Roxy changed all that and he began to come back to life. She was an absolute madam and you always you where she was if there was a box of veg or a sack of food or anything edible really. Everyone always commented on her character and she would often go and grab at peoples pants when they came to see us (I think it was her way of checking for food).
Just over a week ago I noticed swellings above her eyes (well you can imagine what I thought, but she had only been vacc'd a few months) I seperated her and Oliver immediately from the others as I was in a frenzy and phoned my vet at 10pm at night. It turns out she had developed abcesses behind both eyes and they were the cause of the swellings. We treated her until last Sunday but she was going down hill and i just couldn't watch her suffer so I had to take her to ther vets and do the right thing. We miss her terribly and I know Oliver does as he isn't interested in anyone else at the moment:(.
I am so sorry Nat for losing Roxy:( but I feel I did the right thing and I know she was happy with Oliver.

Sleep tight my big baby girl we miss you loads and always will
I have felt like throwing in the towel if truth be known as I have also had bad news regarding one of my cats:(.
Poor baby, she obviously had a great time there with you and im sure she will be happy wherever she is now :)
Noserubs for Oliver x
Binky free xx
Oh Kay I can't believe what a dreadful week you are having :cry: Big hugs for you xxx

Binky free Roxy, sweet dreams sweetheart xxx
When I first ever saw Roxy I was blown away by her size. Never in my life had I seen a bun so big:shock:. Despite the hell she had been through, she was a gorgeous bunny and she will remain in my thoughts forever - Im so sad she was PTS but know it was for the best and I hope she is at Rainbow Bridge with all other furries who have passed.

Thanks to Nat and Kay for showing her love in her weeks before she passed. x x x
This big madam, filled a big hole left in my heart, she was so full of character, she caused me some terrible sleepless nights and much grief and sadness.

Before coming to me, she had such a rough life, she didnt know how to behave like a rabbit, she just sat and didnt move unless food was involved. With time she changed and began to enjoy a good run around and she changed so much. I loved how she followed me everywhere, nipping at my trousers, she always wanted nose rubs and attention in general, especially if it involved food.

Giving up Roxy was so hard, but as she was so big and i couldnt provide her with the space i wasnt left with much choice. Who better could she go to than Kay? Taking Roxy to Kay was heartbreaking, but knowing she was going to be loved and cared for made it a little easier.

Kay you did wonders with Roxy, i cannot thank you enough. I am so sorry her life ended the way it did and i have all my trust in you that you made the right decision. I cannot thank you enough for the time you gave her. Thankyou.

I have some pics of our big girl which i will upload shortly :)

Sleep tight Roxy, although your life with us was short, i can carry on in comfort at the fact that it was a happy life :)

Sweet dreams, binky free :love: :love:
This big madam, filled a big hole left in my heart, she was so full of character, she caused me some terrible sleepless nights and much grief and sadness.

Before coming to me, she had such a rough life, she didnt know how to behave like a rabbit, she just sat and didnt move unless food was involved. With time she changed and began to enjoy a good run around and she changed so much. I loved how she followed me everywhere, nipping at my trousers, she always wanted nose rubs and attention in general, especially if it involved food.

Giving up Roxy was so hard, but as she was so big and i couldnt provide her with the space i wasnt left with much choice. Who better could she go to than Kay? Taking Roxy to Kay was heartbreaking, but knowing she was going to be loved and cared for made it a little easier.

Kay you did wonders with Roxy, i cannot thank you enough. I am so sorry her life ended the way it did and i have all my trust in you that you made the right decision. I cannot thank you enough for the time you gave her. Thankyou.

I have some pics of our big girl which i will upload shortly :)

Sleep tight Roxy, although your life with us was short, i can carry on in comfort at the fact that it was a happy life :)

Sweet dreams, binky free :love: :love:

Thanks Nat,
We loved her from the minute she hopped out of the carrier and so did Oliver her partner (quickest bond ever I think). She certainly made her mark and as left us with a big hole in our hearts too:cry: