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Roxy biting:-(


Warren Veteran
Getting really fed up now!
Roxy quite often lunges and nips my legs/ back etc, and even once bit my 3 year old nephew!
However this morning she took a nasty bite out of my finger!!
She's not an aggressive bunny normally but it's getting to the point where im scared to go in the shed!
When she was health checked, what did they check?

Did Rory have a health check too?

Any new changes in your house? In their environment? Might you smell of anything different? Say a dog or cat? Does your nephews family have a predator in their house?
When she was health checked, what did they check?

Did Rory have a health check too?

Any new changes in your house? In their environment? Might you smell of anything different? Say a dog or cat? Does your nephews family have a predator in their house?

It was with their vaccinations so general health check.
Nothing new really.
I wonder if it's still connected to me getting the guinea pigs a couple of months ago? It seems to of been worse since then?
When she was health checked, what did they check?

Did Rory have a health check too?

Any new changes in your house? In their environment? Might you smell of anything different? Say a dog or cat? Does your nephews family have a predator in their house?

It was with their vaccinations so general health check.
Nothing new really.
I wonder if it's still connected to me getting the guinea pigs a couple of months ago? It seems to of been worse since then?
It was with their vaccinations so general health check.
Nothing new really.
I wonder if it's still connected to me getting the guinea pigs a couple of months ago? It seems to of been worse since then?

Often general health checks won't identify if there is a complex problem, just the more obvious things.

Yes, the piggies could contribute because, if you smell of them, she may want to drive you out of her territory. The problem is then exaccerbated by if you are anxious or nervous about her because she will then sense that and react to that as well, thinking there must be a reason to feel the way she does.

It's 'just' the 'fight or flight' instinct for some reason. If you can work out what it is, hopefully you can work out how to combat it :)
The guinea pigs are in the shed with them?

I think the bite today was over excitement, I was giving them treats and she snatched and took my finger with it! Same thing with my Nephew.
But she does grunt and lunge quite a lot for no reason usually?
My female Poppy is like that if anyone goes into her pen, she lunges and grunts. Never really nipped though. Could she be protective of certain things??
Have you tried reading her behaviour so that you can listen to what she is telling you? I did this when my snuggle bun started to become aggressive, and now she's back to being a snuggle bun, plus I understand her a lot better - our communication is now two way not one.

Yep shes neutered :)

Havent thought about eyesight, she seems to be fine though, no other signs that her eyesight might be poor?
She does get overprotective over Rory, if I stroke him she lunges at me then!
The guinea pigs are in the shed with them?

I think the bite today was over excitement, I was giving them treats and she snatched and took my finger with it! Same thing with my Nephew.
But she does grunt and lunge quite a lot for no reason usually?

When does she normally bite? When you are in the shed with her or when she is elsewhere?

As mentioned somewhere (sorry whoever it was!) I would suspect territorial instincts, but because the guinea pigs are invading her space, not because you smell of them.