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Roll Call... Tell us a bit about you


Name = Shannon

Area you live = San Antonio, Texas

Why did you choose your RU name? = The names of my current two buns!

Names of your rabbits = Patch, Oreo, and soon to come (i'm arranging to buy him now) ZOMBIE BOB

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = I babysit occasionally

One thing you didn't know about me = i'm OBSESSED with zombies!!!!
Name: Janet

Area you live: London

Why did you choose your RU name?: The names of my original two buns!

Names of your rabbits: (in order of most trouble) Rambo, Phoebe, Smudge and Suzie.

Do you work, if yes what job do you do: I'm a process engineer
About myself and Lucy

Hi my name is Kaye i am 32 years old. I have 2 Syrian hamsters called Poppy and Winston and i also have a new beautiful rabbit called Lucy. She was all on her own in the shop and i couldn't resist her. I intend to get her bonded with a neutered male once she has been spayed as i know they like to be social so will do that in the new year. She is a house bunny and loves cuddles. She is a English Chocolate Spot and beautiful. I also even tho she is a house bunny want her micro chipped and her jabs. I am disabled and love my animals as they give me so much comfort. I like music and i like to do crafty things and make things. I am so happy to be part of this forum and i am sure i will get as much advice as i need tho i used to breed rabbits years ago. That is a little about me and my pets.
Name = Jodi.. Joey... Joesephine or wardus

Area you live = Manchester, Salford

Why did you choose your RU name? = Its my name I use for everything, my friend called it me years ago and it stuck

Names of your rabbits = Sparrow and her Royal Highness Daisy, also kitty mummy to my 7 year old Bengal Mia

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = I am a Learning resource assistant in a college

One thing you didn't know about me = I'm obsessed with all things Harry Potter and food :thumb:
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Name Ami
Why did you choose your RU name? Because I love Taylor Swift
Name of your rabbit Phoebe :D
One thing you didn't know about me I love baking :love:
Name = Laura

Area you live = Glasgow, Scotland :D

Why did you choose your RU name? = Its my bunnies names :D

Names of your rabbits = Coco and Phoenix

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = Not at the moment, currently in my final year at uni studying american politics

One thing you didn't know about me = bit of a tattoo addict
Name: Hannah

Area you live: UK, Dorset

Why did you choose your RU name? I use it for many sites so its easy to remember

Names of your rabbits: Sooty, Shadow

Do you work, if yes what job do you do: Nope. I am a student studying Animal Nursing

One thing you didn't know about me: I have been horse riding for 13 years
Name = Sami :wave:

Area you live = Warrington, Cheshire

Why did you choose your RU name? = My name with my year of birth thrown on for good measure

Names of your rabbits = Mini lops: Amigo, Ruby, Bluebelle, Bobby, Binky (RIP :cry: ), Jar Jar, Yoda (rehomed with my best friend a few days a go!) Bam Bam, Angel (RIP :( ) English: Peter, Rosy, Toffee, Tia and Tamera

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = Work for myself but looking for a kennel job at the moment, get back to what I love

One thing you didn't know about me = I also show and breed Rough Collies after being born in to a house full of them and being raised at dog shows! Also, if you want to hear some irony, I love greyhounds! Especially the ex-racers. Own one and fostered one. Been told I'm brave, I think I'm a flaming lunatic with the bunnys but luckily, they never cross paths :shock:
Name = Anna

Area you live = West Midlands

Why did you choose your RU name? = A nickname I always use online

Names of your rabbits = Dot and Jim

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = Work in fundraising in the arts and also make a bit of money on the side as a singer

One thing you didn't know about me = I'm a first-time rabbit owner (Dot and Jim arrived yesterday…) so I'm still getting used to things!
Name = Sher

Area you live = Blackburn, Lancashire

Why did you choose your RU name? = The names of my current two buns -you can find us on instagram (picklesonionrabbit)

Names of your rabbits = Pickles & Onion

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = Graphic Designer and I do craft projects when I'm free for family & friends. (www.realsweetstuff.com) the buns are always trying to "help".:lol:

One thing you didn't know about me = I'm a shoeaholic.
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Name = Charlie

Area you live = Liverpool

Why did you choose your RU name? = BF and I love making macarons (the french ones not coconut)

Names of your rabbits = Macaron

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = Healthcare professional

One thing you didn't know about me = i want to learn cantonese
Roll call

Name = Natalie

Area you live = Alton, Hampshire

Why did you choose your RU name? = Same name I use for my blog, instagram etc

Names of your rabbits = Sophie and Maisy

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = I am a team leader in Clarks Shoe shop.

One thing you didn't know about me = I am a pescatarian. I suffer from anxiety
Name = Natalie -lots of Natalies on here!

Area you live = Rixton, Warrington

Why did you choose your RU name? = Childhood nickname -Noodles

Names of your rabbits = Nelly

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = Part time sales assistant in Accessorize whilst studying for my MSc.

One thing you didn't know about me = I also have 3 chickens, 2 dogs Henry and Inca and 2 cats Ruby and Tilly.
Name = Amy

Area you live = Whitchurch In Bristol

Why did you choose your RU name? My name and the year I was born

Names of your rabbits = Bentley Blackjack and Billy

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = I work in retail but would love to work with animals as a job in the future

One thing you didn't know about me = I also have a hamster, a budgie and 3 guinea pigs. I'm also going to see the northern lights for my 25th this year :)
Name = Amy

Area you live = Leeds during term time. Hoping to move back to Cambridgeshire after uni

Why did you choose your RU name? = It's the name of my blog and what I want people to do :p

Names of your rabbits = Current bunnies are Mel and Sue (after the female comedians). Past bunnies are Billy, and Robson and Jerome (after the pop duo)!

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = Currently unemployed, full time chemistry masters student. Looking for grad jobs though...scary

One thing you didn't know about me = I'm scared of fish even though I absolutely LOVE Extreme Fishing with Robson Green (I think you can see a Robson theme developing here haha). Looking at the sea on google maps makes my tummy squirm!
Name = gabrielle

Area you live = manchester

Why did you choose your RU name? = because my bunnies are my children

Names of your rabbits = bailey and milo (rip charlie)

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = student in my final year of studying law in manchester
Name = Fellie

Area you live = Kent

Why did you choose your RU name? = It's my nick name

Names of your rabbits = Bobo & Harley, Sheldon and Holly, Bug, Cheyenne

Do you work, if yes what job do you do = Accountant for data warehousing company
Name = Sally

Area you live = Reading

Why did you choose your RU name? = Its my nickname

Names of your rabbits = Sundae and Simba

Do you work, if yes what job do you do
Yes - I am a Project Accountant for an Events Company

One thing you didn't know about me I'm getting married in Lapland in December this year! EEP!

Area you live:

Why did you choose your RU name?:
I think I saw it on the Xbox name 'randomiser' and it's stuck for forums and games :lol:

Names of your rabbit:
Neo - from the Matrix :oops:

Do you work, if yes what job do you do:
Technically, not at the moment. I am an adhoc/bank staff member at Bluebird Care but am going for an interview this week for Admin at HP for my full-time job :)

One thing you don't know about me:
I used to be a vegetarian and horse rider from the age of 6 and these both lasted for 10 years. I got a battered sausage shoved in my mouth and became a meat eater and stopped riding due to the expense. I'd love to own a horse but am terrified of the commitment!
Name :Kirsty

Area: Wirral

Why username: We got our first buns when our children were little, when one bun passed away we always got another and, although I was the one who really looked after them, they were always our children's buns. That was until I got Snowy, a blind, albino, French Lop - and he is mine, all mine :D

Names of Buns: As well as the lovely Snowy (age uncertain, think young adult), we have grand old lady Sunny (11yrs, ginger and white cross), her toyboy Cliff (4yrs, harlequin cross), and previously we had Sunny's old partner, Berry (who died 3 years ago aged 10) and his best buddy, Silvercloud (who sadly died when they were both only 4 - he had terrible teeth problems and did not cope well with the treatment - he was a very lovable chinchilla lop cross). We also recently fostered, all too briefly, a very beautiful approx. 3 week old baby bun, Little Ollie, who sadly didn't make it, but will always be remembered :(

Work: I used to be a primary teacher, but I gave that up and now volunteer at an animal rescue/rehoming centre - and wish I'd done that a long time ago!

One thing you don't know about me: Last year, at the age of 49, I sat my GCSE Science....and got an A :shock: