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Rescue centres that help with bonding


Warren Veteran
I think I've read that some rescues will help owners with bonding. Is this correct? Is it just a matter of taking our 2 to such a place and they do the bonding for us?

We are going to try bonding Harley and Bobo between Christmas and New Year - but we are both very apprehensive about it and the difficulty is getting them both into a neutral area (seeing that Bobo is a nitwit and we cannot pick him up and he will know something is up if we try and coax him out of his normal areas). Harley desperately wants to be friends - Bobo is not quite so sure but seems to be coming round. They have lots of interaction between the bars of her playpen and although Bobo sometimes tries to bite her nose, he doesn't seem particualy aggressive (ears remain upright - or as upright as his are normally :) - she tries to groom him through the bars but occasionally bites his bum if it's within reach..;).

Has anyone used such a bonding service? Does anyone know of one in Kent area?

Thanks :thumb:
Hi Fellie,
If you are close to the Kent/Surrey boarder then I would suggest Bobtails rabbit and guinea pig rescue in Ewell, Surrey.
If not then someone eles might be able to recommend somewhere for you.
Good luck:D
Fellie, I don't personally know of anywhere in your area, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any. Some RU members offer a bonding service in return for a small charge and or donation to a rescue.

I'm sure that help will be available to you and your bunnies in one way or another.

Best of luck.