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Ran to get camera and came back to this!!

Is it always the boys who become the dominant ones? Rimmi is def in charge of Winter (although if you stroke him she will come over and nip his bum and nip you..... she is very jealous lol).

Im not sure but i would have thought with my 2 it would have been the other way round - right from the start oreo was Boss!!
I havent had the stroking problem but they are both still very friendly with me and come running when they hear me!
Do yours get huffy over food? I have had a few spats over food today as well - both wanting the same bit!! :roll:
Is it always the boys who become the dominant ones? Rimmi is def in charge of Winter (although if you stroke him she will come over and nip his bum and nip you..... she is very jealous lol).

:lol::lol: (covers my girls ears) all 3 of my girls are in charge of there husbuns,