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rain rain rain


Young Bun
Ginger and spice have a new set up. they have a hutch iniside an old outside toilet shed so its concrete floor and the doors arnt 100% water tight along the bottom. i have also attached a run to this which is 4x4 but have asked for another 2'. when the shed is open its quite spacious. When it rains its horrible so I was going to put a corrugated plastic roof over the run . any ideas how to stop the damp getting in at the bottom of the shed door. :wave::wave:
Can you post a pic of the door to show what it looks like? Maybe build a slight step behind the door so that water cant get in
its a wooden door with a concrete floor bit like a yard door with a latch etc.. i could build up a bit of concrete behind the door which would probably work as long as it can be opened out (the door that is) that would be ok..off to B and q AGAIN!!!!! pity I didnt think of that b 4 putting my buns out oh well never mind..bunny paw prints here we come!!
If the door opens inwards you need to look at why the damp is getting in, is it dropping off the roof? If it is you need to put a ledge above the door. If rain is getting in as the floor is lower than oustide you need to see what you can do to put an edge to stop this happening, may be a brick step up. If the water is blowing under the door would a draft insulation strip work. If it is running down the door and then inside, put an angular piece of wood to force the water out and onto the ground outside the building.

A picture would really help us ...
door opens outwards..have tried a rain deflector which didnt help much..will try a pic if i can I dont think rain is coming off the roof getting too complicated now. maybe i'l find a shed person to come and have a look!!