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Rabbit wont eat Hay


Young Bun

All of a sudden my little man is not interested in his hay. He used to love it and would go through a hay rack per day - now he is just not interested at all.

Any suggestions on what I can do? Or what types I should get him

He eats ok and has dried food in the morning and greens in afternoon
Hello :wave:

Has the amount of dry food/veg changed at all? Buns will generally fill themselves up on pellets and veg and leave the hay til last.

Rather than filling up a hayrack, could you try giving him small handfuls numerous times throughout the day? My girls prefer their hay fresh from the bag and go mad as soon as they hear me open the cupboard door to get the hay out!
Hi :wave:

Thanks for the reply

His food levels have stayed the same. I might try and put small bits of hay in throughout the day for him though :) see if this makes a difference

He was poorly a few weeks ago and all he would eat then was hay but now its like NOPE dont want that so just gonna sit here and not eat - he is stubborn :lol:
Awwww bless him! I hope he's feeling better. I used to get the Burgess Excel hay with the dandelions in for my girls, which was quite expensive for a small bag, but I actually find they prefer just the normal meadow hay.

You could also try mixing some of the dried food and perhaps some dried herbs in with the hay and make a little pile on the floor of his cage/hutch - he might find the hay more appetising.
Has he had his teeth checked recently? One of the signs of dental problems is for them to go off their hay and harder food. Might be worth a check up at the vets to make sure.