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Rabbit Vandal - is he trying to tell me something?


Young Bun

These last couple of weeks, Stanley has turned into a complete vandal in his hutch. I have a single story hutch with a cubby compartment with a space on top. He has always slept on top of the cubby rather than in it and used the cubby compartment for his bathroom area so thats where i put his litter tray. He has 24 hour access to his run also.

For the last few weeks he has completley trashed his cubby area, he pulls out all the straw and newspaper including everything in his litter tray, and even a few times has kicked the compartment wall down (which was nailed down) he now seems to be using his bedroom as his bathroom also!

Is he trying to tell me something or does he just need a bunny ASBO?!!! Teenage hormones maybe? he is 6 month old and was neutered about 4 weeks ago.
teenage definitely. the hormones should start to calm down in a couple of weeks. how about a friend and some toys, to alleviate the boredom?
He has a tunnel and wooden table bench, a ball, some toilet rolls and a dangley stick and walnut thingy out in his run. we are intending to get him a friend once his hormones calmed down from the neutering.

He proberbly has loads of fun making a mess, teenage partying. :lol:
He has a tunnel and wooden table bench, a ball, some toilet rolls and a dangley stick and walnut thingy out in his run. we are intending to get him a friend once his hormones calmed down from the neutering.

He proberbly has loads of fun making a mess, teenage partying. :lol:

Ah right :lol: