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Rabbit Runs - Buy or DIY?


Warren Scout
As the weather will (hopefully) be improving soon, I want to get a run so the rabbits can have some time outside when it's sunny. I've been having a look online, and they seem to be quite expensive, even on Gumtree and eBay. Money is fairly tight at the moment, we're not severely struggling but we're really having to budget. Wondering whether it would be cheaper to buy some wood/mesh and make one ourselves and if anyone has done this?

Thanks :)
My husband made both my runs wood and Aviary mesh was from B@Q didn't cost a lot either 

Do you have a picture of your run? Sorry to be a pain! :oops:

Not a problem!

I have a picture of my boyfriend sat in it with the degus :oops: It's only with 4 panels though because all 6 makes its 8ft by 4ft and our front room isn't big enough!

We have it so we can take it up and down as needed. it was tied with string in this picture (about 30 mins after it was delivered!), but now we have hinges so we can fold it flat when not in use.

If you need enough it's cheaper to do yourself. Get some timber from a local timber merchant and get the mesh off ebay. Make it into panels 6ft x 3ft like aviary panels and you can assemble them how you wish :)
I made my own run, I recycled a trellis/bench for wood and an old run for mesh though, so it only cost me about £10 in extra mesh and screws :lol:

Here is the thread with step-by-step if it helps, feel free to ask any questions if I can help at all :wave: