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Rabbit not litter training


New Kit
I am finding it difficult to find advice on this issue as we keep our new male 11 week old mini lop outside in his hutch at night and when we're out, but the rest of the time he spends time in a cornered off area of the house with the ability to run in and outside. I have a litter tray in this area. This was originally due to reading that a rabbit should be allowed in a small area until litter training is progressing then letting him have the run of the living area, which is the eventual plan. However he just keeps weeing and pooing wherever he wants.
I have tried leaving a little dirty litter in the tray, and putting any poos in there but he doesn't get it.
Any help appreciated.
Hi :wave:

I would advise against having your bunny outside at night and indoors during the day as the temperature fluctuations can be quite extreme which isn't doing him any favours; either have him in, or out.

As for litter training, it is unlikely that you will ever get your bunny to poo in one place as they do poo everywhere. Providing the poos are rounded and dry then they are easily swept away so I'm afraid that's it for poos.

Wees on the other hand; he will eventually find a spot he likes and will stick to it. You cannot force him to choose a place by putting down a dirty (or clean) litter tray, he has to choose for himself and that may happen quickly, or it may not.

I was lucky with my girls as they choose their particular corner within a few days BUT they live in their hutch permanently (which is in a shed attached to a run so they have a decent amount of space to run and play in) and not brought in the house whatsoever. It could be that you are simply confusing him by altering his housing arrangements i.e. in his hutch at night but in your house in the day; personally I would advise you decide on where you want him and put him there and don't keep swapping him about; he's not in one place long enough to decide.