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Rabbit loo training


Alpha Buck
I dont know if I have put this in the right section, but how do I go about toilet training buns. The last two babies are still living in the house, but they are weeing everywhere, and I have no idea where to start.
Also any good stain removers recommened?
Do they have favourite places they wee more than others e.g. corners, place litter trays in these - you'll probably need more than one. They anything they do out of the tray move to the tray and clean with stuff designed to remove pet smells.

I'm not sure what age they are but often once their hormones kick in and before they're neutered litter training can be a bit hit and miss. At that stage they are marking territory rather than just needing the loo.

I`ve use `Betterware Pet Stain Remover`, it`s brilliant. Removes any stains from cat puke to rabbit wee.


P.S. Sorry that wasn`t meant to sound like a betterware advert!! :oops: :roll: :lol:
They go all over..tends to be very messy! Mum is getting slightly peeved too..Never had such messy babies!
I've read on this so many times it seems until 6 months old bunnies are not fully in control of their bladders. I recommend you have him in a big cage at first and train him in their. once he's done that make a little run he can use in and out of the cage and once no accidents move to a bigger space and so on :)
I don't think 1yr old is too late to train. Rabbits natural (usually ) want to keep their living area relatively clean and will usually toilet in one or two favourite areas. :D
All my 3 Rabbit have been good.. Bertie was neauted before I really managed to train him, I found the place where he went to the toilet that that became his litter..
Molly was a good girl aswell she did go round the living room & wee now & the but usually she would go into her cage & litter.. Now Fudge my foster bun he's been fantastic it took him about a week & now he is brilliant in his litter tray..
My rescues were aged 9 months to about 2 or 3 years when I got them, and they all took to litter training straight away. However I only give them hay in the boxes, and the boxes are big, and I have more than one per bunny - so if they wanted any hay to eat, they had to sit in the tray.

I found Tia hardest to train though - she trashed my living room carpet as they will spot wee around as a scent marker, if there are other rabbits or (in my case) guinea pigs around their territory.
LOL I giggle at toilet training is posted by flo as in to let it flow :p

Any age buny can be trained young or old. Best if they are neutered and if you put hay in them. I personally found it impossible to train my two girls but all my single boys have taken to it fine.
My 2 are a little strange - when they were seperated they would both only use 1 corner of their respective hutches, both for pooing & peeing, although I'd get a few stray poo's near their hay. so I could put a corner tray there and it was great, but ever since they'v been back 2gether they'r much more random, use at least 2 if not more places, their bed is always full of loads of poo, and they even often pee in their food bowl during the night when it's empty :roll: . When they'r in the house Harly is really good and will get into litter tray 2 pee & poo, but Honey poo's and pee's everywhere!
I posted about this last Sunday. Still no major success. Muppet does use litter tray in his cage (hurrah!) but also goes elsewhere in the cage.

When he's out and about the house, he's quite good but has developed a *thing* for wee-ing on the sofa :roll: which is annoying. I've had to ban him from sofa which is hard cos he's very upset and seems to think I dont love him anymore!

So I'll keep trying...
My male bunny just seemed to learn what to do. No training as such. I just saw where he went in his hutch and put a tray there :D He doesnt ever do anything when he is in the house.

Female young bunny however poops everywhere - they are constantly falling out of her bottom as she runs around - all healthy looking - but she obviously doest care where they end up!!!

They are both now sharing a big hutch and I am waiting to see if she eventually learns through my male bunny and smell of where she needs to go.
My male bunny just seemed to learn what to do. No training as such. I just saw where he went in his hutch and put a tray there

Yep that's what it took with my previous two attempts. So I dont know how to do "training", I just know how to put a tray out and expect him to use it!!
Marilyn said:
thk u.Hubby is pleased at the thought of trained bun :)

another Q.
would a litter tray be the same as a cats?
I'd advise you to get a square high-back one as buns tend to reverse up to the back of the tray and wee over the edge!!!I found that the corner ones were not big enough. I think mine were advertised as suitable for ferrets, rabbits etc.
I litter trained all my girls before they were spayed. They are all house buns so I spent a few days watching them constantly, following them around, and when they started to wee or poo I picked them up and put them in the tray and gave them a treat. It worked!!
My boy on the other hand, throws his tryay out of the way and pee's on the wood :roll:
My experience is that bunnies like to eat and go at the same time :wink: , so I just put loads of hay on top of vet bed and newspaper, in two great big litter trays :D All bunnies I have done this with have adapted to it really well :D
i am just about to give up loo training my indoor 3 and have invested in a hand held mini wet and dry vac.....i love it :lol: and the buns find my following the poop trail entertaining. kind of paper trail for humans and i get excercise too. :lol: