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rabbit eating the wood on his run


Young Bun
hi i have just built a new run for my rabbit (well my dad built it) and my rabbit keeps chewing it and stripping the wood. is this normal and is it safe? he id not chewing it all just in one place. what should i do ? let him carry on or stop him? will he be able to chew through it all?

rabbit do chew wood to cut down the size of their teeth, because if their teeth is overgrow, they'll be in big trouble. So it's good that they chew wood. They do that in the wild too.
when it rains?

thanks for all your replies i have another question?

part of the run is sheltered but should i put him back into his hutch when i rains or leave him in the run, he does have the sheltered half to go under but at the moment he is sitting in the unsheltered bit and it is fine rain. will he be ok?
As long as he has shelter he will probably be ok,but if the rain gets heavy or he gets really wet bring him in. Being a bit damp wont hurt him. :D
Re: when it rains?

clare23 said:
thanks for all your replies i have another question?

part of the run is sheltered but should i put him back into his hutch when i rains or leave him in the run, he does have the sheltered half to go under but at the moment he is sitting in the unsheltered bit and it is fine rain. will he be ok?

Yes - some bunnies seem to like sitting in drizzly rain, others don't. As long as he has a choice then that's ok.
Fruit branches are a good distraction. Mine love cherry and apple branches and it stops them ruining their run for a while!