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Rabbit bored?


Warren Scout
Hi one of our rabbits keeps biting on the hutch even though we have given wooden balls and willow sticks for her and her sisters to chew on. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what we can get so she will stop biting on the hutch. Also while in a run in doors she constantly bites on the bars to get out. We have a cardboard tube in the run for her to chew on and i've tried a plastic tub (from pets at home, the guinea pigs have them in store) with hay and carrots hidden in it but it didn't help. Please can anyone help with this? I'm not sure what to do, it is not like she doesn't get any attention so i cannot explain the behaviour.
Sometimes i do but other times i try to stop her and get her interested in chewing the other wooden things. I just don't know what to do. I don't want to encourage the behaviour but i don't want her to think she can keep on doing it. Both her sisters are fine and chew on the wooden toys and when in the run they don't bite on the bars.