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Queries about adapting a playhouse for buns


Young Bun
Hi everyone I am relatively new to the forum and looking for some advising regarding adapting a new playhouse for my two buns...

Firstly I am planning on building a second level for the buns in the playhouse, is the best way to attach this simply shelving brackets or should i put wooden post underneath it to support the second level? Also I am planning on attatching a ramp... how does the ramp fit on to the second level? I was considering putting a lip around the second level (to minimise any bun falling off and also to stop any hay/bedding falling off) and then using the sort of metal hooks you get for ladders on bunk beds to attach the ramp? Does that make sense :? If anyone has better suggestions I am all ears!!!

Thirdly.... I will be planning on getting lino for it some time in the future. i have no idea how to fit this. No clue at all lol. Any help would be wonderful!!

Thanks, Gilly (and buns Belle and Bonnie)

i just place lino tight into the corners as didnt want use staples or glue once its flattened it holds in place although some people would lip the lino up the edge of the wall to make it more difficult for any wee to get in corners etc, much easier to keep clean, my bunnies do pee over the litter tray but not a lot i can do there unless i get larger litter trays:lol:

anyway as for ramp we have shelving in ours but its screwed into battens along the walls so no need for leg to hold up we have timber baten supports screwed on the level the shelf is at if you get me? the ramp i would put barrier along if its going to be steep i have just used storage boxes with a piece of carpet on so they can jump up to get to next level in ours or a step/stool we found no need for our ramp we made before our shed and wendy house came along you will be suprised how high they can jump up but its the coming down that scares me with them lol
Thanks for replying pinkblare.

Yeah one bun would not have problems jumping the level without a ramp but the other bun bonnie has had a sore paw in the past and she shys away from jumping on high things. I think she's scared she won't be able to get back down. She binkies nice and high in the garden no problem but I think she is quite scared of jumping up on platforms she deems 'too high' so I think I'd really need to fit a ramp for her.

would one staple or nail in each of the corners hold in the lino? they are really good with their litter trays so don't think it would really need tucked under as such.

I can't wait until it's all finished it's going to be fab for them :D

For a shelf, what about finding a cheap smaller hutch and taking the doors off, shortening the legs and building a ramp to the top.
Heres how our ramp looked, and fitted with a shelf 'edge' like you want,
but then we removed it and just put a lower shelf in so the buns just hop onto the first shelf then the second - it gives more floor space without a ramp and also an extra shelf gives extra snoozing space :wave:

from this....


to this.....


Here you can see the lower and the higher shelf [just] :wave:

Re fixing lino, I used to put battens of wood around the edges, but now I use safetly floor which is very hard and difficult to pull up so I just paint the floor to allow doubles sided tape to stick to it properly, then cut the lino to fill the whole floor with very little gapping around the sides and then finish off with silicone sealant to stop wee from soaking in around the edges.
thanks for the replies everyone. fixing batons of wood and sealant may be the way to go for this i think... think i may have spare wood for this. the duchess your shed is fantastic. really helpful thank you!

i have a hutch at the mo i could put in for an extra floor but i really wanted to give them more room on the second floor than the hutch provides i think.

oh and lops i didnt know you were on this forum as well :wave: nice to see you and the lovely quartet!! i do like your idea as well... will all depend on what we can pull off when building it i guess!!

oh and lops i didnt know you were on this forum as well :wave:


Gilly?? as in Bonnie and Belle Gilly?? :wave:

Oooh .....Ru'ers are in for a treat then when you post pics of your stunners xxx

Welcome aboard, glad you joined xxx :wave:
Yes hun as in Bonnie and Belle... :wave: you are always so kind about them !! Pleased I will get to see extra mmcc pics :love:

Thank you kindly, enjoying it at the mo' , there is so much to see on here! Will post some more pics of them when they get into their new wendy :D
