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Pussy willow?


Alpha Buck
:wave: I picked some branches this afternoon for the buns and just wanted to double check that:

1. Pussy willow is definitely safe for buns.


2. Whether or not to take the furry bud bits off or just leave them on for nomming.

Thank you :D
I want to know this as well I have one in my garden but keep my buns and piggies well away just in case. :shock:
I *think* all willow is technically safe but some varieties have a high salicylic acid content so will be very bitter. If the buns don't seem keen to nibble, it's probably because it doesn't taste very nice :lol:.
My buns have it :wave: I tend to take off the buds though :oops: but they have eaten them in the past.
They prefer Hawthorne much more. :D

The thin parts of the branch the completely eat, then thicker ones they knaw the bark off :D
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Thank you for your replies. I think I will try them with it tomorrow and see what they think - I will take the buds off too (just to be safe) :)

I also picked some raspberry canes which are just starting to get little leaves on them which they absolutely LOVE :D
we have one

We have a weeping pussy willow in a pot in the rabbit garden, and they love it! Buffy climbs into the pot in order to gnaw the stems off as high as possible. I don't take anything off - they get whatever they can reach. because of that it looks like a bad hair day - all the stems stop at Buffy's maximum reach.
a well timed thread, I was just going to ask the same thing as i saw some pussy willow at the weekend and my brain kicked into ;foraging' mode :lol:

a well timed thread, I was just going to ask the same thing as i saw some pussy willow at the weekend and my brain kicked into ;foraging' mode :lol:


:p I can't wait to be able to forage properly again. I have some lovely dandelions that have just come up in the garden which I am going to cultivate for the buns :D