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Mama Doe
Sadly little Puffle guinea pig passed away last night, at nearly 5 years old. She had been found to have some lumps around her head last week, and was being treated with Baytril for 48 hours - just incase they were abcesses or something that might respond to treatment. She was due back at the vet tomorrow to make a decision about being pts, as the likelihood was that they were cancerous tumours.

Right until the end she was active, and ate broccoli for her tea last night. She had died in her sleep, as had her eyes tight closed and was snuggled in the hay - with her lifelong buddy (silk) by her side. Silk is SO going to miss her, as they've been together since birth and I rehomed them when they were two years old.

Sleep well little Puffle, you were a very happy chirrupy piggie.

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Thanks guys. I've just cleaned the cage out thoroughly, and put a snuggle pad in for Silk - not sure what else I can do really to make her less stressed about her friend. Maybe they are just accepting, after all she saw her ill and die ?!