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Warren Scout
Is it ok to give luna porridge oats. I read they were good for bulking up skinny bunnies?? Having to take her off critical care food giving her terrible runs.

If she has gut issues already I would be very careful introducing these.There is a similar product to Critical Care called Recovery which I tend to use as my vet prefers it but I don't know if that would suit Luna better.
What other foods is she managing at the moment?
If she has gut issues already I would be very careful introducing these.There is a similar product to Critical Care called Recovery which I tend to use as my vet prefers it but I don't know if that would suit Luna better.
What other foods is she managing at the moment?

Absolutely agree with this :thumb:

You need a food which is high in fibre and very balanced. Perhaps trial and error of some good things out there?
You can soak or crush her normal pellet brand to make the equivalent of recovery food.
My piggies enjoy porridge oats and don't seem to suffer any ill effects at all. Have you tried Emeraid?