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Poor Alf! *bit tummy turning - cat*


Mama Doe
We went up to bed at about 1am and Alf came over for his usual bedtime snuggles. As I was stroking him, I noticed a lump at the base of his tail. We discussed it as he had a fatty lump diagnosed earlier this year and we looked and prodded it.
Anyway, it burst. Abscess. I have seen some abscesses in my time, but good grief, this was horrific. So much came out of this swelling. :( Poor Alfie was putting up with it while we tried to clear what we could and clean the area with salt water, he was being a very good boy. We gave him some Meloxicam to help.

So, to cut a long story short, Alfie's off to the vets this morning to get this abscess seen to - he'll definitely need antibiotics. Luckily, I have an appointment for Gertie's myxi jab which can be rescheduled for Monday if they're busy this morning.

Here's they funny old boy himself:

Ooooo poor little man hope it didnt make too much mess

I've tried to be erm, delicate in my first post - but honestly, it was awful. Loads and loads came out. :( I've seen loads of abscesses over the years, but never like this! And the smell... :shock:

I can't believe it came up so fast too, saw no sign of it earlier in the day, but then it was in the fatty area at the tail base and obviously under the fur (which was undisturbed). Shocking. :shock::(

ETA: My vets have fitted them both in so I don't have to postpone Gertie's jab either.
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Poor little man (I've never had to deal with abcesses so luckily can't even begin to imagine the smell :mrgreen:). Best of luck at the vet. x
Oh poor boy. :( And poor you! That sounds disgusting! :mrgreen: He sounds very brave, letting you clean it up for him.

It's amazing how quickly they come up isn't it! The one on Scratchy's face appeared in just a couple of hours.

What do you think caused it? I hope the antibiotics clear it up. Sending lots of vibes for Alf xx
Oh poor boy. :( And poor you! That sounds disgusting! :mrgreen: He sounds very brave, letting you clean it up for him.

It's amazing how quickly they come up isn't it! The one on Scratchy's face appeared in just a couple of hours.

What do you think caused it? I hope the antibiotics clear it up. Sending lots of vibes for Alf xx

Thanks. :) I think he's been in a bit of tussle maybe. No other visible signs though, maybe a mouse or rat bit him? :? Yes, the speed from having nothing to having this was amazing.

The other half was feeling it in bed when we noticed it and thought it was tree sap or something in his fur... Oh no, that's not tree sap you're touching! :shock:
Back. Alfie does indeed have an abscess. He's had it drained, we're continuing to give him pain killer for a few days and now he has antibiotics too. Can't believe how much came out even after what came out this morning! A cat bite is the likely cause. :roll:

Thanks for your posts above, sorry for grossing you out. :lol: :wave:
Thanks. :) I think he's been in a bit of tussle maybe. No other visible signs though, maybe a mouse or rat bit him? :? Yes, the speed from having nothing to having this was amazing.

The other half was feeling it in bed when we noticed it and thought it was tree sap or something in his fur... Oh no, that's not tree sap you're touching!

:shock: Eww! :mrgreen:

It's amazing how much goo can come out! (Not in a good way! :mrgreen:) Hope the drugs do the trick and he can get back to defending his territory soon! xx
Awww, poor Alf!
My 16-year old cat Smokey has had a fair share of abcesses in his time - one in his tail was so bad one time the vet had to put a drainage tube in it, which stayed in for a while (I was a kid so I cant remember exactly how long, a week or two I guess).
His most recent one was in the top of his head - I was patting him when suddenly it burst all over my hand. The smell was so horrendous I nearly vomited as I squeezed the yuck out. The joys of having territorial Tom cats (although Smokey is neutured :) )!
The good thing is cats generally have a pretty good immune system, so he should heal soon.
Sending some vibes Alfy's way :wave: