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Please some advice re preloved rabbit

Hopefully someone like you took her on and the lady is lying about them paying. I really find if very difficult to believe she found anyone who would pay for a 3 yr old unneutered unvaccinated rabbit when there are so many about free to good home. She's probably lying because she feels preached at.

I have done this same thing a few times an usually I would say something along the lines of .. I'm looking for a rabbit like this one to replace mine who died of old age. I can't afford to pay but if you would like them to go to a good home I could take them and I wouldn't need the hutch..
It's white lies but they 9 times out of 10 have got back to me and said I could have the rabbit. I know it means the hutch is still in circulation etc but to me getting the rabbit to safety is the most important thing. I'll then send them an update saying they've had their vaccinations and neuter and are now happily bonded and living in a hutch which meets RSPCA/RWA/Blue Cross/PDSA requirements - along with a picture. I think that usually gets my point across and it's too late for them to change their minds by then!

Don't beat yourself up you tried your hardest and took a very selfless decision in trying to help. xx