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Please please say hello to me.... I'm a bit scared

Aww Twinkle you are adorable and your story was very heart felt!
Dont worry sweetheart your Mummy and Daddy will love you very much, they are both just very sad about loosing their little Basil, but you can help to mend their broken hearts. :love:
Aw twinkle, you are just gorgeous!

Ps my husband did the same for me. I lost my little pip and was devastated. I came home from work one day to find gorgeous baby jack!
twinkle you are beautiful and hope you make you rnew mummy abit happier after her sad loss, although you'll never replacce basil, you will be special to your new mummy in other ways, as you row to know each other better :love:
Welcome twinkle! You are beautiful and will be so very, very loved. Hope to see more piccies of you when are settled in your new home.:bunny:
twinkle, you are one gorgeous bunny and i too agree you have a 'cheeky' look about you :D your mummy and daddy might be sad at the moment but that should be a comfort to you. you know that when they love you, they do with all their heart and they really loved basil, as they will you :love:
Aww Twinkle you are a handsome boy. You are a lucky boy to be living where you are because you will be loved loads and have lots of nice noms!
hello everyone, thank you for making me so welcome :love::love:, my new mummy is cuddling me at the moment :love::love: i think i am going to like it here, night night :love::love: from twinkle
oh my! Twinkle! :love: Im so glad you have all found each other....many many happy times ahead for you all!:love:
Hi Twinkle think you are going to become a very spoilt rabbit, who could not love that stunning face, you will settle in and become a very happy bunny. It is fine to be scared Nibbles and Bugsy were when they came to a new home but now they are very happy spoilt bunnies. :love: