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Plan C i will get it right.


Mama Doe
Hiya everybody :wave:

A friend of mine is giving me a hutch. it use to be an outside hutch its not very old at all and use to house guinea pigs. is there anything that i need to do to treat the wood. ill be using the hutch inside and i have plans to line the inside with lino. i just need to know do i have to repaint it?
It depends on the condition of the hutch. It won't NEED repainting/restaining as you won't have to protect the wood as it is inside, however you might want to, to improve how it looks. You may also find that it smells - I don't think guinea pigs can be properly litter trained and over the years it will have absorbed wee. I'm not sure if there is anything you can do about the smell.... it will be in the wood.

I'd recommend you bleach it thoroughly to get rid of germs/bugs etc as well as dirt, but make sure you rinse it well. The problem with bleach is that it smells of ammonia, so Scooter may think that it is wee and wee over it himself, so if you bleach it, I would vinegar it after you have rinsed it, and don't rinse the vinegar off, just let it dry.

Bear in mind a hutch smaller than 12sqft is too small to shut a rabbit in for even a short period of time. Haven't been on here much, so not sure what you are planning to do with it, but have you seen Manor Pet Housing's indoor enclosures? They aren't cheap, but cheaper than most hutches, and I'm definitely getting one when I eventually can have my buns inside again, as they're so practical. Each panel is 100cm, so a 2x1 panel enclosure is a tad bigger than 6x3ft https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.309266595853006.68615.274922292620770&type=3
sorry tht it has taken me so long to reply back ive been working non stop at work. only just remebered that i posted this. i would love to do something like this but i havent really got tht much money i was looking towards something like this-


of course he will be coming out of this quite a lot. :)

i would keep him in a pen but its more trouble than its worth lol i keep running into problems with the flooring because scooter cant behave himself lol he likes to eat carpet and anything else i put down :roll:

i need a flooring that is tougher than lino and easy to keep.