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Pippa, friendly little female (Essex) - REHOMED

Surbiton is just down the road from me. :wave: I'll probably get another pretty foster bunny tomorrow, a Dutch girl. Keep watching this space.:D

Breeders may call Pippa "medium", but I think she is a small bunny. I have adopted her daughter Penny, and she is very light with lots of soft fur. Otters are lovely, with the lighter colour on the belly and the ears. And Pippa is very friendly, too.
There are rumours that a certain member of this forum would like to bond her with her little bunny boy, so fingers crossed. :D

I meant medium as in the shade of colour - Marten Sables come in 3 shades, light Medium and dark. I know shes a Netherland Dwarf so obviously shes a small breed. So shes a Medium Marten Sable Netherland Dwarf.

Otters have white bellies, but orange behind the neck, orange ticking up the sides and orange edges to the ears, eyes and nostrils.

Foxes are the same but with no orange, so white ticking etc. Fox and Marten markings are technically the same, but on a sable or smoke rabbit its called Marten as opposed to Fox.

And I've probably confused you all completely now! :lol:
Hiya! Yep as far as I know she is still avalible. Best thing to do would be to contact Eve who runs the rescue on briarpatchrescue@aol.com the rehoming policies are set out on the website www.briarpatchrescue.org.uk

Basically Eve would require a homecheck be carried out, nothing to worry about, just to have a look at the buns accomedation and have a chat about care. Is it to bond with your existing bun? Eve will happily take care of the bonding for you.

As I keep saying she is a gorgeous bun who really deserves a good home :D
I've been looking at pippa and some of the other briar patch buns a wiflet for sooty once he's recover from his op (and left it 8 weeks if going for an unsapyed femal) but I couldn't find an address on your website to see how far away you were. Could you PM your postcode. I also loved Ginger and Lucy....oh and victoria, fruffy and frufifnder...basically everyone :lol: