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Photos that didn't make the RU Calendar would you like ....

I would love that!!! What a thoughtful idea. Thank you. Perhaps you could make a calender with all the photos of not voted on rabbits and send those out or is that more complicated?

However you want to do it is great by me. Will defo buy one with Tessie and Daisy in x

Oh yes, that would be great, as was impossible to choose 3 really, and was really sad at not being able to have all the bunnies that I would really have loved to see as well :love::love:
That would be lovely if its not to much work for you

could I have this photo instead though


i didnt use it in the voting as they have destroyed the wall behind them and it doesnt look appealing lol

one of the things on the repair list before we move out

I think it is a great photo actually of 'Partners in Crime' or 'Bunnies on a Mission' :love::love:
I needed 58 votes to be honest or at least 30 :roll: Loose Violet's pic any time you want to take a bun out. Little treasure can't see anyway :lol::lol: