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Firstly what an absolute cutie pie.

We live in Kesgrave and have a 8 month old female who is being spayed next week. We are contemplating[/U] a second bunny certainly plenty of love to go around, but worried about space.

Our little girl is a mini lop and she lives in her hutch and she come in and gets plenty of exercise in our living room (bigger than 50sq foot) and we are currently building a bunny proof garden so she can have the full run of the grass which might be a little less than 50sq feet, but I can't give this to them all day, it would be mornings and evenings.
Our little girl lives in a two tier 3ft x 2 ft hutch (she is able to lay out in all directions, stand and hop in it), and we do appreciate this would be too small for a medium bunny.

We would be looking to buy/build something bigger, to accommodate two buns but 50sq foot is too much for our house.

Is there away that we could get around this? If not, I completely understand and having two buns may not be for us, but I thought I would at least ask and can then get on the find Parsnip a home as he is soooo gorgeous.
Hi Amanda,

Thank you so much for commenting on our lovely boy.

There are a wide variety of different accommodations that you might choose for indoors. We don't ask for the 50sqft indoors, however, we do ask for a reasonable sized area for the bunnies living in it.

Options we might suggest would be a 48inch dog crate with shelving and maybe a puppy pen attached, NIC grid cubes, which can be build into accommodation to fit any sort of area, a puppy pen or two joined up (depending on the size of the bunnies it houses). Some people choose to turn rooms over to bunnies, but we also appreciate this is more uncommon than it is common. Any accommodation inside would need to be significantly bigger than what your bunny currently lives in though, for a variety of reasons.

This might be of use to you.http://flashsplace.webs.com/accommodation.htm

We have lots of lovely male bunnies available for adoption. Parsnip, however, we have discovered is highly destructive and would not make the best indoor bunny for your average home. We would probably only rehome him as an indoor rabbit to a specific rabbit room due to his potential to destroy everything and how challenging that could be for whoever adopted him.

I hope that helps, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us further and we'll help in any way we can. :)
Thank you for your advice, our bun is an outside but comes in for exercise as we don't yet have a secure area in our garden.

We are planing on converting and building a secure full time run and extending our current hutch, so once we have done this and are able to offer suitable housing, we will definitely be in touch and see if any of your males buns would chose us (perhaps even Parsnip the little cutie!!).
Parsnip is sooo handsome! :love::love: I just adore agouti bunnies, they are so beautiful.
Sorry that he is still in rescue, I do hope he will get his forever home very soon.
Parsnip is having an epic moult at the moment so looks very raggy and baggy at the moment.








Moult or no moult he's a handsome prince of a bun in my eyes :love::love:
Keep hoping the next bit of news about Parsnip is a lovely new home with a wifey.
Sadly Parsnip is still with us and looking for a home. He is also starting to get very sad at the Centre and even chose strokes over his food, which, for a foody bunny, is a huge thing. He did have some pick up cuddles (whilst nomming one pellet, very slowly), which he loved and then did happily go on to nom his pellets, but he is so desperate to get into a home where he can get all the strokes and love he needs.




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Please someone on RU adopt Parsnip!
I would but I'm too far away!!!
He strikes me as such a lovely bun & has been waiting quite a long while now.
Can't believe this handsome chap is still in rescue, he is just absolutely adorable. I wish we could offer him a home and some fuss but not in a position to unfortunately. I am keeping my fingers crossed though that his forever home is just around the corner. :love::love::love: