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Wise Old Thumper
Pan passed very peacefully to the bridge, it was her time. She joins here children and grandchildren and all my other bridge bunnies. Pan has been with me for 6 years, she survived VHD and Grass sickness and until 3 months ago had never had a thing wrong with her. She has been a staple in my life, she has always been there, unchanged and grumpy. Despite Pan being, territorial, vicious, grumpy she was the matriarch, the mother, she would look after the young in her groups and protect the weak. She was a strong girl right to the end and I will miss her.

I have only just seen this:cry:.
Phill, I am so so sorry,
Sleep tight Pan you were a lovely bunster say 'Hi' to Agi for usxxxx
She was beautiful...and they know when they need to know. When they are first born, God has a specific time and date for when they will go. Binky free!