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Outdoor Rabbit Run


Warren Scout
Hi All,

I'm on the lookout for a new rabbit run, we brought one ages back which is kinda now being used to put around the hutches on the patio to stop them running off when we clean them out.

We brought another from P@H but it's not very tall, and not very big! Doesn't really give them the space to run and play.

The idea is to have one that can fold up that we can put on the grass without destroying the one around the hutches.

I've seen this, it seems a bit expensive, but a decent size and height.

Any other recommendations or links to decent runs?
That looks good but has no lid so doesn't give your buns any protection from predators. I would prefer to free range my rabbits in a secure garden where they have a chance of finding a safe place to hide than use a run without a lid.
A secure garden isn't really an option. I'd love for them to just roam free but there's too many places where they could escape! 1 being there is no fence (currently) between the front and rear garden!

Our only option really is for a big run
Looks good for that then, just wanted to point out the lack of cover in case you hadn't noticed. I'd probably do something similar if my garden wasn't secure or couldn't be secured reasonably easily :wave::D
Any ideas for a cover that could be retro fitted? I guess just a big piece of fishpond mesh?
That wouldn't give your buns any protection so I wouldn't bother, you could use an old sheet over 1 end to give some shade though. You could see how it all fits together and decide if it's worth buying another to fix to the top as a lid maybe.
Our bunnys don't really go out all day without us being there. Not sure I'd trust them not to dig under the run!

The run comes with a corner sheet for a bit of protection from the sun, but we have a massive tree in the garden that would give them quite a bit of shade, so it's just protection from cats etc really.