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Outdoor bunny housing advice/suggestions/tips please


Mama Doe

My bunnies have the following set up (pics in a mo) but its been like that for quite a while now and I think they could do with a change.

They have a double decker hutch with a carpeted bedroom area (that they use for running in and out of now I've cut an extra doorway in), a 'day room' (the full top floor with litter tray, hay, water, fleecies etc) and a downstairs 'play room' with toys (that they mostly ignore).

They have a couple of tunnels, a pot, a chair, a 'seating area', a carpeted area (they love flopping on there in the sunshine) and a 'digging' area (which they run up and down but refuse to dig in)!

So does anyone have any advice, suggestions or tips on how I could maybe change things round or just make things a bit more exciting for them?

Any/all suggestions welcome.

Thanks, Jo x





ohh wow what more could a bunny want that's a gorgeous set up I love it 
It looks like a great example of bunny housing already:D

You have a fair bit of height to play with, so you could do some tunnels that run up high - solid bottoms and mesh on one side so they and you can see in and out, with opening sections for cleaning.

The other thing my buns love is their bedroom areas being stuffed with hay - loads of it. Because they're litter trained these areas are kept clean and only need freshening up every few days and complete changing every few weeks.

My only other suggestion is free range time out of the enclosure if thats an option - that's what my buns love most of all!
Awww thanks for your replies ..... its all my hubby's handiwork but they have had the same set up for a while now. Although I added the digging pile a couple of months ago and cut out the extra door in their bedroom about a month ago.

Great idea to go 'up' BB Mommy, we did talk about this but I was worried about them trying to leap from a tall ramp, so your idea of having mesh up the sides is great!!!

I have started giving them free range time out of the enclosure now that we've finally changed the 'builders yard' that it was into a bit of a garden, and they love it. I'm really hoping with the weather getting better they can spend more time outside (as cute as they are, its not much fun sat out in the freezing cold supervising them)!

I've tried putting loads of hay in their bedroom but they just ended up dragging it all out, or not going in there ...... and I couldn't tell if the dragging bit was a game or if they were getting frustrated with it?!!?!

I am soooo going to pinch your ramps idea though so thanks for that!

Any other suggestions anyone??
OMG I am so jealous on my bunny's behalf of your awesome set up! The only thing I think is missing is an automatic headscratcher!
Can I borrow your husband for a while? It,s fantastic! What rabbits love to do more than anything I think is to graze. 2 lucky buns!
Thanks everyone, I'll tell OH about your comments, he'll be made up that people are impressed by his design/workmanship!

We did have a little garden area where the carpet is now but when the bunnies moulted everything got covered in fur and then they squished all the plants down and it always seemed to be muddy. I've planted up an old under-bed storage container (like used for litter trays) with grass and clover and dandelions and thought I'd put it in with them when its grown, then start another one growing, that way I can keep alternating them and it'll hopefully be easier to keep fur and squish free!

Tonibun, you can indeed borrow him for a while, as long as he can bring all his washing with him!! :lol:

OK, what about toys for them? They seem decidedly unimpressed by anything I've made for them thus far.

Mind, I dunno why I'm mithering about toys etc - they've just been out for an hour in the garden and it appeared that their favourite game was running behind the old gate that's currently leaning against the wall and back out again! Bless!! :lol:
Its a lovely setup! Its very much the sort of thing I'd have if I had mine outside, I think. I think if you wanted to improve it I would go with the building up idea. I'd pop a decent sized shelf in, maybe where that ramp is now, so its a platform thats part of the ramp as such.

As for toys, you could give them something to toss around, like a small plastic plant pot.Or you could give them their evening pellets in a treat ball? For enrichment in general, apple and pear sticks are good, my two will throw them about and run around with them in their mouths.

I would definately see if you can get them to accept a hidey-hole stuffed with hay if you can, so they are used to it come winter so they can stay cozy. I dont have any suggestions about getting them to keep in in their bedroom though, sorry.
Thank you, some good ideas there, will definitely give them a try and will certainly try them with hay in the hidey hole again as them being warm enough was SUCH a worry in winter!

I'm really excited about giving them extra levels and ramps now!!
Oh wow...I am in awe...you and Mr.Bitzy B have done a fanrastic job that is a lovely set up :)

All I can suggest really is the building up idea...my Pebbles love scaling heights so I try to give him plenty of things to jump up on :)

Also - investing in a Runaround system? I have the 8ft Runaround tunnel that connects the main run to a second run...the buns are always dashing through the tunnel :)

I recently bought a 4ft tunnel that is inside their set up...it goes from a windown in the playhouse through into the run....they love this too :)



Thank you! :D

Great idea about the runaround ...... I like how you have it linked to a grassed area, that might be do-able in our garden if we take some of the paving up ....... then if they're not in it all the time it might not go 'icky' like the one we originally did in their enclosure (got full of fur and was just like a muddy puddle some days)!

Thanks, I'll show the OH see if he thinks we can do something similar.
Oh my that set up is amazing!! I wish I had the room and money to do something like that! :D Sorry no suggestions but I am impressed! :love: