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Our BBG - She's gone

Thank you everone, it's wonderful to have the support of people, the one good thing is that she is now so much better to deal with the travelling and today is going to be a very long day for her.

Please keep everything crossed for her, I am so very worried for her.

Will update when I get back
Hope its not to long a trip for her and that the specialist can help.

Lots of vibes for her and hugs to you.
got everything crossed for her (and you). she has come so far and you've done so well with her
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Sorry, but it's the worst news possible, I can't explain yet, I just can't speak, we are devastated, it's just so awful
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Oh Theo I can't believe it - I am sat here with tears streaming down my face for you all :cry::cry::cry: I am so, so sorry :cry:

I can't take it in, so goodness knows how you must feel :cry:

Big hugs to you xxxx
So very sorry- you did all you could for her, unfortunately you have been left to pick up the pieces of someone else's neglect again- and deal with the heartache.
Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that your BBG has gone :( You did everything you could for her, and I'm sure she would say a big 'thank you' for giving her some precious weeks at least xx