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OUCH! Bunny biting me - HARD!! Help??


Young Bun
Hi! My 8 week old mini cashmere lop has been home for about 5 days now. The past two days he has started biting me quite hard. It seems to be involved with grooming as he will usually start with lots of licking when he's getting a cuddle and scratch - then he will grab a bit of my skin and PULL with his teeth! (he drew blood last night chewing on my collar bone :evil:)

I've tried the high pitched squeal approach (feeling very silly whilst doing it! :lol:) but he's worked out that it doesn't mean anything bad for him, so just ignores it now.

Any suggestions? Perhaps an eeek followed by 5 mins time out in his cage??
Hi! My 8 week old mini cashmere lop has been home for about 5 days now. The past two days he has started biting me quite hard. It seems to be involved with grooming as he will usually start with lots of licking when he's getting a cuddle and scratch - then he will grab a bit of my skin and PULL with his teeth! (he drew blood last night chewing on my collar bone :evil:)

I've tried the high pitched squeal approach (feeling very silly whilst doing it! :lol:) but he's worked out that it doesn't mean anything bad for him, so just ignores it now.

Any suggestions? Perhaps an eeek followed by 5 mins time out in his cage??

Tough one! We have a biter....he only bites when being held, and yes he can draw blood sometimes if we're not quick enough. There are a lot of different theories as to how to deal with it. Our bun is a rescue though with an old jaw trauma so we expect he was dropped at somepoint and now associates being held with a painful and fearful memory. No bun particularly enjoys being held, they much prefer to have all their feet firmly on the ground. Some are more laid back though and don't mind so much, it just depends. Biters are biters though really i'm afraid. If you immediately respond by putting him down on the floor - then he will quickly learn that biting gets him put down - where he wants to be - and will do it all the more. We find the best way is to pretty much ignore it, if he does do it not reward it immediately by putting him down which might encourage the behaviour, and try not to pick him up too much other than essential daily grooms and health checks. Although we do pick him up and carry him around a few times a day just to keep him used to the feeling of being handled which is important. If you keep moving whilst carrying our boy he doesn't bite, it's only when you stop or are grooming him. Sometimes showering him with nose rubs and strokes distracts him from the biting, as does giving him something nice to munch on like some apple leaves whilst brushing. We've tested out pretty much every theory from the 'eek' to the extra affection, to ignoring it, in turn and consistently. I'm afraid that some buns just do bite, in bunny world a nip is a form of communication...and yes...ouch it hurts!!:(
Hi! My 8 week old mini cashmere lop has been home for about 5 days now. The past two days he has started biting me quite hard. It seems to be involved with grooming as he will usually start with lots of licking when he's getting a cuddle and scratch - then he will grab a bit of my skin and PULL with his teeth! (he drew blood last night chewing on my collar bone :evil:)

I've tried the high pitched squeal approach (feeling very silly whilst doing it! :lol:) but he's worked out that it doesn't mean anything bad for him, so just ignores it now.

Any suggestions? Perhaps an eeek followed by 5 mins time out in his cage??

Does he only do it at this point?
It does sound like he is just grooming you as this is what they do to their partners! Maybe if you got him a little friend to groom and be with, he may not feel the urge to groom and nibble you?
Does he only do it at this point?
It does sound like he is just grooming you as this is what they do to their partners! Maybe if you got him a little friend to groom and be with, he may not feel the urge to groom and nibble you?

Hey that's a very good point....I forgot that, sometimes a bunny will nip to say 'hey...keep going' if you stop - ours definitely has done that too:) Your little bun may not realise he is hurting you and is just being over exuberant.
Our case is very different I know....I realise I made it sound a bit pessimistic!! Sorry:( A bunny friend might teach your bun what is acceptable....ours never bites his wifey:) Well actually...the odd little nip :lol:
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Thanks :)

It definitely seems to be a grooming me back kind of thing. He doesn't mind being cuddled at all - in fact, if he's being held and I let go (whilst on the lounge) he will usually just stay there for more scratches behind the ear. I think I'll just have to monitor him and herd him away from biting, but let him lick me as much as he likes. Fingers crossed!