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Opinions on layout please...


Mama Doe
After reading this thread http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?358607-New-Hutch! it got me thinking about maybe changing the layout of Summer and Skye's hutch... This is it currently...

The main bit with the 'loft bed' (cushions r long gone :lol:)

The 'bed' area with litter tray

Obv these pics were taken before anyone moved in :lol:
Anyway I'm wondering whether it might be better to remove the divider and put the 'loft' into the 'bed' area with the litter tray underneath it? They do use the loft and I'm a bit worried about it being a bit chilly now the weather has gone colder. This would also open up the space and give them more room? Also i could then fit in a bed box that can be stuffed with hay for the colder nights, without making the area look cramped. Would they still use the litter tray even if it's not as 'private'? I am also wondering whether to attach the runaround pipe to the mesh door instead of the hutch wall? Mainly because I don't trust myself with a jigsaw and don't know anyone that can help :roll: but it's a shame on the nicer days we've been having that it's not in place for them :(

Opinions appreciated :wave:
Yes I think that would be better, similar to what I do. They will still use their litter tray and as you say they will have more shelter in their bed. Not sure about the runaround pipe. I'll leave that for someone else to answer.
Yes I think that would be better, similar to what I do. They will still use their litter tray and as you say they will have more shelter in their bed. Not sure about the runaround pipe. I'll leave that for someone else to answer.

Thanks for ur reply :wave: There is Perspex over the mesh where the loft is so it is sheltered from the elements but I think maybe they'd prefer it to be a bit darker? Plus the Perspex reflects and stops me from seeing in :( I can only c them if they're at the front of the left hand door which is a shame cos I like to look out and c them :D Will go and check it out now, not looked at how easy it will be to remove the divider or if the loft will fit in ok in the bed!
Well the divider is going nowhere without the help of power tools :roll: Shows how well made the hutch is tho I suppose! They'll have to make do for now