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one hutch or two for a new pair?


New Kit
He, we have a female neutered rabbit, just about to get a neutered male companion if the bonding process is successful

At the moment we have a double decker hutch inside a very large run. Our rabbit has about 12 hours free access to the large run and at night we close off the hutch door.The double decker hutch is about 4 and 1/2 feet long.

My question is, should also buy a hutch for the male rabbit so that if they want/need to they can sleep in different hutches at night? They would be able to associate in the large run all day long. And if they chose to they could sleep together in one of the two hutches. I am sure the other wouldn't be wasted in that scenario as they could use it to explore within the run. I've read that rabbits like to have their own space and sleeping area.

The alternative is to get rid of the one we already have and buy a 6 foot single storey hutch for both of them.

One aspect (not the most important) is funds. The cheaper option would be to buy the smaller hutch. The other will have no second hand value. But I more interested in , what would the rabbits prefer?

So the question is, one hutch or two?

Interested in all opinions.

kind regards to all
:wave: One :) Bonded pairs like to spend most of their time together and you will usually find them snuggled up in the same place. In fact I'd say it's better to do so anyway as you risk the bond breaking down if they end up each having a place they start to consider 'their' territory. Definitely just the one :)
bonding already done - hopefully

should have added, they will have been bonded before they come back to us, at a neutral venue
If they have been bonded away from your place by a rescue, I would definately recommend getting eitehr a 6 foot hutch / wendy house / shed for them to live in with the attatched run. Once they are bonded treat them as if they are one, where one goes the other goes. This helps ensure that you do not have any issues with their bond and also reduces the stress they have as they can rely on the other bun.