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ok be brave and tell the truth.

I like all breeds of rabbit, not sure I could deal with the grooming of a lionhead, wouldn't want to pull their hair like mom used to pull mine haha!
Got a rex coming very soon I can't wait :D

I own reptiles, snakes, geckos, have had frogs, got bunnies, guinea's mice and dogs and I don't find anything repulsive now I have got into reps, people don't give them a go before they write them off as ugly or squirmy lol

and RE: the replies about reptiles, not all feed on hamsters and mice, some eat mealworms some eat lots of veg and crickets, they are all different, crested geckos don't even have to have livefood in their diet they can be kept purely on fruit puree mixes so don't let livefood put you off :D
There is one breed I really don't like and would never choose to own one, although if I had to take one in an emergency obviously I would and that is the Polish (Pure bred)

I was attacked by a black one at a show once, I was holding him on the table, it was only after he had savaged my hand that the owner thought to tell me he was aggressive :x :evil: :x

After being attacked by him it made me a bit wary of Nethies but a little black one at the rescue soon won me over :love:

My faves have to be Blacks, Sooty Fawns, Black Otter, Blue Otter, Black and Orange Harlequins, Blue and Orange Harlequins and Red Eyed Whites

Although I adore every bun regardless of age, colour, sex or temprement :love:
I really don't have a 'least favourite' but my 'most favourite' breeds are mini or dwarf lops and Nethies are gorgeous but their small ears are funny!! :lol: My two are lop cross lion heads and they are beautiful. They just have the 'mane' not the full body hair :lol:

dont really enjoy the company of the hare breeds.they aint cuddle enuf for melol :oops: and i would not own a parrot to noisy :lol: :lol: :lol:
nt keen on the thin hare breeds.got a giant myself andshe is so cute .
had dutchs they are cute.

wouldnt have cats or any tanked pets or parrots :D :D :D
be brave - what breeds dont you like

I am not keen on polish :shock: :( just think that they look a bit odd :? :( also nethies although i looked after one once for 3 weeks & he really was a cutie & i fell for him & he knew it :shock: :) I was his slave but then you know all about that don,t you all :?: :!: :shock: :lol: :wink:
I don't really have a dislike to any breed of bunny. Everyone is different, and its more the characters i fall in love with!!

Every animal i have ever owned has found its way into my heart through fate. Bindi was supposed to live (her mother didn't kill her for a reason), Maya was in need of some real loving and choose me!!

If i were to choose any animal that i wouldn't like as a pet, i would probably choose...cockatoos. We have four at work at the moment and i can't stand the noise they make when they go off on one. Although saying that if i won the lottery i would rehome one i work with in a flash!!
i dont like long haired breeds especilly after what happened to my buffy.
the only animal i wouldent keep would be degus as they are nasty little things.