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Nougat's now snotty, runny poo: update

First time on this foum and been in tears already . Hope nouget is feeling better but even if he isnt im sure he knows hes loved. Lost one of my first rabbits to flystrike years and years ago , its something you never forget. So glad you felt able to share this and hopefully make more people aware of it. Come on nugget fight on !
It's not looking good to be honest. she won't eat. I'm having to syringe feed her recovery.
Thanks for all of your messages of support.

Bunnymadhouse - tears and laughter are what you can expect from this forum, as well as lots and lots of support. People here are fantastic.
The worst thing is seeing her so miserable and unhappy, and listening to her poor snotty nose, trying to breathe. I don't know if all this is going to be worth it. It's a lot to ask of her to fight off a chest infection as well as the abcess/ infection/ wound.

poor both of you - it's been a long time to watch her suffer :(

Pepsi went downhill so fast I didn't really have this ordeal with him - his eyes went all 'faraway' after just a day, and I really didn't have any hope then - only you know if she's still fighting it - (((hugs))) to you both.
Poor , poor Nougat. You are trying so hard and being so brave. Us "two foots" can understand when we are ill, it is so hard to imagine what our babies feel like. Lots and lots of snuggles coming your way

thank you. I am keeping going with the treatment as she's still got bright eyes, but as the song goes, when they begin to fade, I'll know what to do.
So sorry to hear about Nougat. You have done everything for her and she knows she is loved :) Just cherish the time with her, u will know when she doesn't want to fight anymore. I am really hoping she will pull through, it's so very hard. My baby girl was very ill last week, but she is getting there now, although she didn't have as much to contend with as your poor bunster.

Take care, snuggles to Nougat.

poor bunny

So sorry to hear about nugget. got four rabbits of my own . Lost 4 others over the years to old age and illness. I also take in rabbits for B.A.R.C. and unfortunatly they dont all make it. Dont know if it makes it easier or harder when youve nursed em for days. At least you did every thing you could for her and she ll have gone knowing what its like be loved. Poor bunny.x