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nobody's interested in my rabbit stories....

Well I feel better now, knowing there are other bunny weirdos like me!!! You should see the looks I got when I told them I was getting guineapigs and keeping them in the house.... in a pen...... on incontinence pads and fleece...... you ain't seen a look of disbelief like it (mixed with a touch of horror and an inkling of pity!) :?
Well I feel better now, knowing there are other bunny weirdos like me!!! You should see the looks I got when I told them I was getting guineapigs and keeping them in the house.... in a pen...... on incontinence pads and fleece...... you ain't seen a look of disbelief like it (mixed with a touch of horror and an inkling of pity!) :?


I think it may have been the incontinence pads that were the final straw!
:lol::lol::lol::lol: I was embarrassed enough when I had to buy athlete's foot medicine for the piggies!
I feel your pain! I went in Argos once to get a waterproof bed set so I could put the sheet over my bed protect it from weewees. I said to the (young) guy behind the til, it's not for me it's for my rabbits. i don't think he believed me either. :lol:
I feel your pain! I went in Argos once to get a waterproof bed set so I could put the sheet over my bed protect it from weewees. I said to the (young) guy behind the til, it's not for me it's for my rabbits. i don't think he believed me either. :lol:

He probably wondered why your rabbits were sleeping in your bed :lol:
In one of my jobs they think im loopy but sort of accept it, and will pity me :lol: They supply me with newspaper, shredded paper and alsorts. One also helped Bf manuver a HUGE double hutch over the fence into my garden at 11pm one night....after lots of naughty words and shouting, I dont think he will be doing that again! In my other job, they are all real animal haters (and I mean, proper haters) and I am completely alone to fend off all their conversations about killing animals and stuff -:cry: