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nipping on semi neutral territory


Young Bun
hi again everyone!

Ryo and Charmin have been doing very well with their bonding. It was love at first sight for Charmin, and Ryo was just putting up with him!
Well, after about 5 bunny dates with grooming and other good stuff I decided to put them in the hall way right in front of Ryo's room. Where they are beside Ryo's territory. Well, Ryo starting nipping at him. They did not fight at all. but I could tell Ryo was not happy. her ears were back, and she was nipping. Should I bring them back to neutral territory for bonding? Or keep them like this until Ryo gets over herself?

Leave them together on neutral territory until they are bonded and then move them :)
thank you!

so what should I be looking for before I move on?
Charmin grooms Ryo. Ryo does not groom Charmin though :(. They both lay next to each other and eat together. so i thought that it was time to move on.

Bonding is a lot of work!
Its sounds pretty close to me. How long were they together on the neutral territory? If it's practical, I'd go for 24hrs then move them.

Are you putting them into the boys territory or the girls. Girls tend to be more territorial so if it's possible move them into the boys old place. Otherwise give it a good clean out, neutralise any smells the best you can and rearrange everything so you make it as much like new neutral territory as possible.
Thank you so much!

I have been bonding them for almost a week.
are you saying that I should put them together for 24 hours on neutral territory? I have only been doing 1/2 hour to 1 hour bonding sessions. I can even leave them unattended on neutral territory.

I am wanting to move the boy in with the girl. I really dont have a way to do it the other way around.

Thank you for the tip about the good cleaning and re arranging Ryo's room.
Yep, if they are getting on fine, which it sounds as if they are, then leave them together in the neutral territory, no need to split.

If they are still good after 24 hrs. do the blitz on her room and then put them in there.

If there are thinks that are hard to totally neutralise eg unwashable toys you can just remove them temporarily. Doesn't matter if the cage, for example, end up in the middle of the room for a few days to make it seem like not her room etc.
I just had a thought. I can move Ryo (female) into Charmin's (male) pen! but it is a bit small, and i would not want to keep them in there long term. Would it help to move her in with Charmin for about a week, and then move them both into Ryo's room, after it has been cleaned?
Should I clean Ryo's room with Vinegar?

Ryo has run of a large spare bed room, and ideally I would like all three of my rabbits living there together. My third rabbit has yet to be spayed, so I am waiting to try to possibly bond her with the other two.

Charmin lives in a NIC pen, that is about 7 foot, by 4 foot
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