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Nightmare Week in Bunnyville!!!

cannonwoman said:
How are all the bunnies today Jane?


Hi Su,

Well things are not looking good for Muirne. She stopped eating again and having just spoken with Christobel we feel that Muirne is probably not going to make it :cry: She is still accepting syringe feeds very well but wont touch a thing unaided. She remains on Penicillin Injections/Metacam/Torbugesic. I am speaking with Christobel again this afternoon....... :cry:

Ned's breathing is better but not normal :? , Eddie's tummy is OK :D
Freya's mass appears to have gone so was probably poo!! She is still on treatment for cystitis. Leo has recovered well from his mild CVA. He had to have some Metoclop to get his guts going but there does not appear to be any further brain damage this time.
Katie is OK now although she is aware that her friend Muirne is not at all well :cry:
Sarah's skin reaction is responding to treatment

I AM KNACKERED!! :shock: :cry:

Jack's-Jane said:
cannonwoman said:
How are all the bunnies today Jane?


Hi Su,

Well things are not looking good for Muirne. She stopped eating again and having just spoken with Christobel we feel that Muirne is probably not going to make it :cry: She is still accepting syringe feeds very well but wont touch a thing unaided. She remains on Penicillin Injections/Metacam/Torbugesic. I am speaking with Christobel again this afternoon....... :cry:

Ned's breathing is better but not normal :? , Eddie's tummy is OK :D
Freya's mass appears to have gone so was probably poo!! She is still on treatment for cystitis. Leo has recovered well from his mild CVA. He had to have some Metoclop to get his guts going but there does not appear to be any further brain damage this time.
Katie is OK now although she is aware that her friend Muirne is not at all well :cry:
Sarah's skin reaction is responding to treatment

I AM KNACKERED!! :shock: :cry:


I`m glad to hear some of them are feeling better & that there is no further brain damage for Leo following his cva.
I`m sorry things are still not good for Muirne :cry: :cry: Please give her extra special noserubs from me.
I`m not surprised you`re knackered! I know how you feel as we`ve been up all night with Polly, who fortunately seems much better today.

Sending you some `extra energy` vibes but please can you send some more back down here! :roll: :lol: :lol:

Please keep me updated.
Su & Sadie.xx
Just caught up with this thread. So sorry that you're having all these problems and I'm bothering you for advice for Dandelion. I'm so stressed out with just him being sick so I can't imagine how you must feel. Sending hugs and vibes to you and all the buns.